Shalyn Stachmus

Shalyn Stachmus Poems

If what we're breathing in are the scents of sin, will it cause us all to choke?
If in the very end we've not made amends, will we really lose all hope?
I hope not.
Even though I've been warned, I don't seem to care anymore.

Sand disperses on the open line.
Haunting eyes, with nothing to find.
Nothing is left, and we're all alone.
It's too hard to feel like this could be home.

I hate it when I'm awake.
I think I'd rather be sleeping...
Deep autumn's closed today,
while the knell still mocks our weeping.

I'll tell you a story of mountains and glory,
but time will tell more.
I could tell of the times,
of the riches and crimes...

This twisted white vision persists to haunt me.
It just won't leave me alone.
The barred bright windows will forever taunt me.
They just won't let me go home.

Believed things would end how I wanted them to,
But now I can't erase it, so what do I do?
Had hoped things would change, perhaps fix themselves, too.
But most times denial is better than truth.


Where is the glue, that binds us all together?
It's in our souls, so we can rise forever.

Until we glow, our torches light the way.
Until it's known that we can guide the strays.


Terror only calls to make this last.
But all it seems to do is cause the crash.
The fight, the pall, no battle's been won.
Now then, this war has just begun.

(Oh, I wish you could know.
Oh, I wish you could care.
Oh, what you would feel!
If you only knew...

I realized that
I am what I am not:
All of my little

I know that's the Conscious calling us,
Seeking us to feed from love.
We take back what we gave.
We take back what we gave, to Them.


If you die in the morning sun,
Don't return in the afternoon.
If you return once more for love,
I pray you'll be leaving soon.

Sever, sever. I crawl, waiting for forever.
Never, never. I call, as I endeavor;
And I hang my head and fall.
They've all heard what you've said. All:

As I mold into the miscreant of myself,
I frame self-portraits in my esoteric hell.
Seems no one seems to care, but oh well.

'Are you gone? '
Yes, but you cannot come along.
'Is this the end? '
This is the end.

Our plight of dark is cryptic somehow.
It cannot share. I wonder now:
Why are you so far away?
In the shadows of the moat,

I'm sorry I left you to sulk in the moonlight.
I hope that you'll let me hold you tonight.
Now pull me closer to your breath,
And kiss me ‘til we've conquered death.

I seem empty, I know.
But since I met you, I don't know what to do.
I don't know what to say, and I don't know where to go.
But I'll try my best to make this message known.

I love you like I did last week,
And still dress myself so candidly.
It's getting hard to slow the poison;
Harder still to know the reasons.

Trapped inside these big, bland walls,
Dying to break out.
Conflicted, desolate, afraid.
Trying to reach out.

Shalyn Stachmus Biography

Trust me, you don't want to know.)

The Best Poem Of Shalyn Stachmus

I Found My Lungs On The Shelf

If what we're breathing in are the scents of sin, will it cause us all to choke?
If in the very end we've not made amends, will we really lose all hope?
I hope not.
Even though I've been warned, I don't seem to care anymore.
Is this bad?
You see these questions, but can you see the reasons I ask?
If I've been warned and I don't care,
Is this bad?

This ultimatum has no effect on the effects of the threats themselves.
What will happen after death if no one cares?
Vaguely, I can feel you, even though you're gone.
I hope you won't be watching me, but I'm pretty sure I'm wrong.
Shriveled Time hides inside its cave of safety.
Even though I've mourned, Time will always hate me.

If what we're seeking then, is to begin again, will it leave us all alone?
If on the long descent we've not changed within, will we really lose all hope?
I hope not.
Even though I've been warned, I don't seem to care anymore.
Is this bad?
You see these questions, but can you see the reasons I ask?
If I've been warned and I don't care,
Is this bad?

Don't look at me; I'm a stupid little hypocrite.
Asking questions while I claim to never care.
What will happen in the black if no one cares?
The weak-willed and minded can't stand excited,
Unless those who know, make known their own despair.
I think I hid all the answers deep, deep inside my mind.
But even if I tried, would it really matter what I'd find?

(Original: Unknown/Revised: 4-22-12)

Shalyn Stachmus Comments

Stevens Cadet 22 August 2012

Thank you for all your lovely words & comments. Truly appreciate it and you dropping by to read whenever you can. -Stevens

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Maya Dearth 06 August 2012

I love the conversation in your poem.

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