Sirpheno The Knight

Sirpheno The Knight Poems

Retirement Life is really Great!
Just like I thought it would be.
Anyone who gets the chance to,
I really think you should be.

Looking down at you, Planet-Earth,
I remember you, as a Beautiful-Blue.

with fear and confusions

Come with me and you will see
just how beautiful flying can be.

On a clear-day take-off you can see

To chess nuts everywhere

T'is true the pawn is lowly
and not of royal birth,

Good-Day, To you Sir.
What brings you this way?
Where might you be going,
On this beautiful day?

Venice, Florida at Christmas Time,
In the warm winter sun.
No chance of snow today
only endless fun.

T'is True, it's long
for all to see
perhaps too-long
for poetry.

Here is to a

Sex is Sex
And Sin is Sin.
No-matter how
We feel inside.

My Father always told me
Real men never cry.

The Bullet passed, ... through my heart
I know FOR-REAL... That, I am dying.

True Poetry is
within us all
no matter
be we big or small

She Knows Who She Is

Here is my story it’s mine alone
About the woman I have never known

Today is a day of rest.
I will not write a poem for you to test.
I will refrain from all my lust
I leave my pen resting in the dust.

Dearest Wife, light of my nights,
You departed too soon from this troubled life,
Now my days are long and my nights are cold.
My heart is still warm but not my soul.

As the early morning fog
Lifts over the field.
Two armies are poised
To strike as they will

I can only offer
You my best
If you chose me
I will pass your test

As I click around our WorkShops
I can plainly see
The number of people with problems
Are more than you and me.

To all those Players
out there..

You say a Virgin-Wife

The Best Poem Of Sirpheno The Knight

Retirement Life

Retirement Life is really Great!
Just like I thought it would be.
Anyone who gets the chance to,
I really think you should be.

Go have some fun, have some more.
stop! worrying about what could be.
To live the life You want for You,
That's the way, it should be.

Get away, Go see the world,
Do all the things you wouldn't,
When you had a Boss and a Job,
Telling you you couldn't.

Sirpheno The Knight Comments

Ashish 25 September 2019


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