Thinker Shah

Thinker Shah Poems

It was dark and gloomy 17th century; India's fortunes were on the wane
Mughals, Sultanates, Portuguese, had carved the country writhing in pain

Loot, rape, plunder and pillage; every village was in a state of chafe

When India in suppliance bent, trembled seeing Abdali's scourge,  
From distant Deccan, a gritty and dauntless people did emerge.

While the 'great' Mughals shivered, seeing invincible Durrani's power,

Sucked in a vortex by fate, I often sit back and think

To how many more nadirs can the life actually sink

Home they brought our forty six warriors dead
Most carried home after piecing shred by shred

The nation watches in shock and impotent rage

‘Sic semper tyrannis' said twelve souls brave
Paid back to the neighbour nasty and knave
Traitorous bleeding hearts call it an act of war
Untouched by 40 deaths and a river of gore

Limericks are poems pithy and punny
Short, terse and always on the money
Some are bawdy and some are neat
The bawdy ones you cannot tweet

We can't win them all, we may end up losing some
Interim failures shouldn't make you gloomy or glum

Once in a while, we may not be able to hit our goal 

My poetic tribute in a ballad form to Prataprao Gujar -the trusted Commander-in-Chief (सरनोबत) of Shivaji Maharaj's army who on this day (24th February) died at the battle of Nesari charging at the army of Bahlol Khan whom he had pardoned earlier.

When Shiva launched his Swaraj fight,

देश के टुकड़े  टुकड़े  वाले नारे  हम जोर शोर से  लगाएंगे
बस और ट्रैन हम फूकेंगे पर फासिस्ट आप  ही कहलायेंगे
कितना भी आप जोर आजमा लो हम कागज़ नहीं दिखाएंगे

A rogue nation aspiring to wear a new crown
Turned the entire world totally upside down

A tiny pesky virus which none of us ever sees

The cradle of civilization, a teacher to the human race
There was a time when world's centre we did grace

The glaciers hadn't melted, world crawled on all fours

India was wallowing in darkness
And needed an enlightening lord,
From Farghana marched the Mongol
With his band of peaceful Chagtai horde.

You are nothing more than toys,
That of it is the long and short

Like flies to wanton boys,

Our ingress is with a cry,
and egress with a sigh

I ask staring at the sky,

The Best Poem Of Thinker Shah

Shivaji Maharaj

It was dark and gloomy 17th century; India's fortunes were on the wane
Mughals, Sultanates, Portuguese, had carved the country writhing in pain

Loot, rape, plunder and pillage; every village was in a state of chafe
Gods, wealth or their daughters; no possession of Indians was safe

Indians under the jackboot of oppressors, their liberty and rights denied;
Deccani Sultanates were in full bloom, in shambles lay Maratha pride

Land of Satvahans, Yadavs and Chalukyas had turned to a living hell;
Adilshah, Nizam and Qutbshah had on Deccan cast a pestilential spell

In this turmoil lived a Maratha warrior; Shahaji Bhonsale was his name,
Married to virtuous Jijabai, her family killed by a Nizamshahi game

Every Indian under foreign yoke, no soul could breathe easy;
Jijabai just couldn't take this, such servitude made her queasy

Indian knees were in suppliance bent, and the invaders ran wild;
During such dire days at Shivneri, Jijama gave birth to a radiant child

Tyranny reigned and hopes declined, Jijabai's spirit refused to yield;
Shivba, nurtured on tales of honor, was destined only for a battlefield

Jijau taught her son all about dharma; Dadoji Kondadev was his guide
Bright and brilliant Shivba trained well; her joy Jijamata couldn't hide

Swords, daggers, shields and lances, became Shiva's childhood toys;
Every hill of Sahyadri Shivba would trek, with his band of Mavala boys

Shiva and squad scanned every hill, every pass, every gorge and glen;
Tanaji, Suryaji and Yesaji as pals; Shivba turned a natural leader of men

At the tender age of 16 at Raireshwar temple, the young Shiva swore:
'Tyranny and torture of foreign invaders; my people shall suffer no more! '

'The days of those who loot, rape, maim my folks shall be numbered! '
'India shall be ruled only by us Indians, ' the young leader thundered

A spark was lighted to rekindle supine India's slumbering soul;
The arduous journey commenced, with Hindavi Swaraj as its goal

Cobblers, blacksmiths, carpenters rose; took up tools of a different kind
Each brave Marhatta man readied arms with only Swaraj on his mind

With his rag-tag hill-men squad, Shiva found a firm and loyal support;
The battle for Hindavi Swaraj fired up, with the capture of Torna fort

Hardy austere Maratha warriors, were a valorous and spartan breed;
No greed or possession, save for their whetted sabre and battle steed

Kondana, Purandar and Jawli; Bhonsle territory now grew pretty fast
Spunky Shiva was on a winning spree; whole Adilshahi stood aghast

A gauntlet was thrown at Bijapur court; 'Tame and bring Shiva who can? '
Assuring Adilshah-Badi begum, arose Afzal Khan—a mountain of a man

A wicked zealot, a mammoth man; Sambhaji's Kanakgiri killer was he
'I'll swat this mountain-rat, ' said Afzal; 'Of this pest Adilshahi shall be free'

With this promise the giant set out, a huge armed contingent he led
Shiva was now living on borrowed time, most gave him up as dead!
On his way Afzal ravaged and pillaged, defiled every shrine he found;
Unruffled Shiva did not budge, firmly stood his mountainous ground

'Meek Shiva, scared of you wants to surrender, ' said emissary to Khan
Peace meet was held at Pratapgad, brute was unaware of Shiva's plan

Shiva departed for the meet, after mother Jijama and Bhavani's blessing;
Though with warmth both foes met, real intentions each was guessing

True to style, Khan cheated, with his dagger he attacked Shivaji first;
Shiva was saved by chain armour, had come prepared for the worst

Agile Shiva brought out tiger claws, swiftly into Khan's belly he tore;
David had slain the Goliath big, in a dauntless feat unheard of before

Khan's guard Sayad Banda charged, Banda was a swordsman grand;
Alert Jiva saved the life of Shiva, in a stroke lopped off Banda's hand

Jijama saw Afzal Khan's severed head, and it was a sight to behold;
Finally Shiva got an eye for an eye, the trophy was as good as gold

Kanhoji/Netoji swooped on Wai camp; Afzal's men saw utter defeat
The killer of her son was finally killed; Jijama got her revenge sweet

Astounded India saw this feat, with Ganimi Kava they came across;
Bijapur, now shaken from the core; Badi Begum lamented Afzal's loss

Panhala, Wasantgad, Pavangad, Shiva's juggernaut rolled fast ahead;
Desperate Adilshah called on Johar—an Abyssinian whom all did dread

Sidi laid a tight siege at Panhala, the situation for Shiva was grave;
Food-luck both running out; Maratha position was difficult to save

Astute Shiva broke free from Panhala, with Johar hard on his tail;
Veer Baji held the rearguard, Shiva in grim danger, should he fail

Ghorkhind was consecrated by his blood; Bajiprabhu kept his word,
Fought death till Shiva reached Vishalgad; and a cannon sign was heard

Events of Deccan sent shock-waves around; Shivaji's stock soared high
The mighty Mughal in Delhi was spooked; conflict with Shiva was nigh

North India was ruled by Aurangzeb—a cruel, fratricidal and despotic king,
A revengeful zealot, a thankless son, more venomous than a cobra's sting

Saistakhan was sent with huge army, to subdue intractable Maratha chief;
Outmanned, outgunned Deccanis, were on the back-foot for a period brief

Kalyan, Chakan and even Pune, Marathas were driven out of their land;
Shiva scripted a surgical strike on Khan with his selected incognito band

On Mughal camp at Lalmahal Shivaji struck in a daring midnight raid;
Khan panicked and bolted sans a few fingers lost to Shivraya's blade

Banished from Deccan was Saista khan; to distant Bengal he was sent
Mughal dignity was now in tatters; Mughal reputation Shivaji did dent

Surat the rich Mughal port was sacked; Maratha army was on rampage
The Mughal now was badly rattled; Aurangzeb was seething with rage

Mirza Jaisingh was sent to Deccan, with orders to wipe out Shivaji fast;
Maratha winning tide had turned and at Purandar a deadly net was cast

Dilerkhan launched a vicious attack; Maratha resources began to drain
Murarbaji showed steel of his blade; piled the ground with Afghans slain

Shrewd Jaisingh's incessant booming cannons; simply refused to cease
After sacrificing heroes after heroes; Shivaji helplessly sued for peace

With a one-sided treaty signed, of myriad forts the Marathas lost control;
To save his men from decimation, Shivaji had to accept a subservient role

At Agra court Shiva was spurned; faced the back of timid Jaswant Singh
The hero couldn't take it; threw a tantrum asking treatment like a king

Perfidious Mughal put Shiva under arrest; his life was now in danger
Clever Shiva had a plan; to such calamities he was hardly a stranger

Shiva pretended to be ill, called for baskets of alms for many a sage;
Empty baskets were put to good use, the bird swiftly flew the cage

There was racing and chasing all over, but Shivaji they just couldn't find;
Shiva and son reached Raigad safely, leaving Mughal pursuers behind

The world watched in awe, Shivaji's unbelievable his daring escape,
Shiva now consolidated his realm; his plans-strategies he gave shape

Shivaji found an erudite Guru in Shri Ramdas, a great spiritual master;
With strong character and Rajdharma, Shiva's glory now spread faster

Aurangzeb grew more fanatical, the iconoclast put many to sword;
Chivalrous Shiva a virtuous and just king, all his subjects he adored

Neither women nor children of Shiva's enemies, ever came to harm;
Religious men were untouched, afar extended his chivalrous charm

Prataprao Gujjar, Yesaji kank, Moro Pingle—Shiva's army was now ready;
Shiva struck again at his foes after making his administration steady

Things were settled, but the loss of Kondana rankled Jijamata hard;
Capturing Kondana was not a joke, a brave Rajput stood there guard

Tanaji led stealth attack on Kondana; an impregnable Mughal fort
Fierce fight ensued with Uday Bhan; Shelarmama gave great support

Tanaji's shield broke halfway, but he fought fiercely till his last breath;
Shiva's lion captured Kondana fort, but kissed the bride called death

Resurgent Shivaji was unstoppable; every Mughal gain he did erase
Purandar, Mahuli, Lohagad were back; of enemies there was no trace

Afghans, Mughals, Uzbeks and Turks; known for their military might,
Tasted the Steel of Maratha sabres; the hillmen fearless in their fight

With Surat sacked once again; Aurangzeb's face was smeared black
Mighty Mughals so easily looted; their edifice now began to crack

A tumultuous battle at Salher was fought, Mughals saw their utter rout;
Shivaji's writ ran far and wide, about his prowess there was no doubt

With each battle, his empire expanded, Maratha pride restored,
With each victory, his foes were awe-struck, Shiva's glory soared

With new riches sea-forts were built, a brand new navy prepared;
Now it was time for hero's coronation, an auspicious day was declared

In a grand ceremony at Raigad, sacred mantras many Pandits did sing;
6th June 1674, Pandit Gaga Bhatt anointed the great warrior as king

From Shiva he became Chatrapati; his glory now on every mouth
Mughals under a firm check; Shivaji's attention turned to the south

Ponda, Ginjee and Vellore, southern cities were now under Maratha belt;
Triumphant Shivaji entered Hyderabad, and servile Qutbshah almost knelt

Be they Sidis of Janjira, wily Portuguese or British—he chastised them all
The rough and taxing life of the Chatraparti, finally had to take its toll

God likes the company of good souls; at only 52 Shivaji breathed his last
Grim reaper silently scythed the hero; a pall of gloom at Raigad was cast

A valiant warrior, a meritorious king, a huge protector of dharma was lost;
A benevolent ruler and fearless fighter who held the Saffron banner aloft

The Swaraj spark that Shivaji lit at Torna; later amplified into a huge fire
From south of India till Attock-Peshawar; extended the Maratha empire

Shambhu, Bajirao, Sahu and Scindias, Shiva's ideas inspired them all;
Palkhed, Vasai, Udgir, Panipat and even Delhi, Marathas stood so tall

The idea of Swaraj continues to live; to hero Shivaji we tributes pay
India to be ruled by Indians; the maxim is quite relevant even today!

Thinker Shah Comments

Rajnish Manga 18 February 2019

You are really a thinker and a shah. Read your poems with great interest. These are awesome. Thanks and Best Wishes to you.

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