David Threadgold Poems

Hit Title Date Added
.4. Sugar Fix

Who put the jam in the doughnut?
Who made the sugar so sweet?
Who sent me down to the bakers?
Who wrapped them up very neat?

.2. Bottle-Top Bandits

Blue-tits on bottle-tops
Pecking for cream
Perks for the early-birds
Worked in a team

.2. A Cold Snap

Long icicles hanging
From sheds in the yard
The frost from last night
Froze the garden rock hard

.2. Trick Or Treat

Dressed up as monsters
Kids walking the streets
Knocking on doors
Halloween trick or treat

.4. In The Sixties

Strumming a tune
A little off beat
Clicking your fingers
And tapping your feet

.5. A Helping Hand

Everybody has talent
We all have a skill
No one should believe they can’t
But say they really will

.3. Another Sample

Would you like a sample?
Shall I cut a slice?
I baked it fresh this morning
And tasting rather nice

.7. All Well

Oft in the morn with a mist on the web
Where the fox over fields homeward stray
Awake now the birds for a chorus at dawn
Asleep in their beds children stay

.3. A Food Junkie

All through my life I’ve been tooing and froing
Constantly coming and constantly going
This way and that way without even knowing
Trying so hard till fatigue started showing

.1. Verse. True Love

No one could love you
As much as I do
Trust me I know
Because my love is true

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