Beauty are the roses
Mixed with beauty within
Not just a pretty face
Or pleasures it brings
Behind her doors, live a pool of joy.
Whiles smiles cover our face
A mist of confusion
Awaits at our gates
I see one rose
That isn't red
A flower called my friend
One special lady
Love is a river
In our life it flows
A small seed that grows
A flower without beauty
Every once in a while
The beholder casts
A special wish
And a flower is created
A heart for a heart
Today a chain saw smiles
My pains will be locked away
Now give me back my tears!
Genetically brushed
Not by the cover
We know the tale
Beautifully crafted
Foolish ambitions
The greed of gluttons
Dissembles the heart
When divine order
Wraps gifts in mortals hands
Another day has gone
My mind keeps holding on
Sour memories of what that has been
But all this pondering