Gregory H. Wlodarski

Gregory H. Wlodarski Poems

Names for groups, collective nouns they are,
In our speech their usefulness goes very far.

For horses you know, the collective noun or word,

Nuclear quantum decay,
Alphas and gammas away,
As per the laws of chance.


I'm an extraverted introvert,
I'm bashfully outspoken,
I'm not at all perfect,
Just imperceptibly broken.

Everywhere we sprint or jog,
Be it in Boston or in Prague,

Our feet tread on a ground,

The passage of time,
I cannot disguise,
As my eyebrows sink down,
My forehead does rise.

On a hike in the woods today I found,
A fuzzy cloud gliding along the ground.

This amorphous cloud of blackish tones,


I was sitting behind the wheel of my car,
Simply driving to the store not very far.

All of a sudden I heard there a pop,

Did you get your flu shot?
Did it make you hurt?
Did it make your arm swell?
Did it make you burp?

I've long been waiting now,
To get the shot that keeps,
Me from turning into a sniffling cow,
Or a little lamb that squeaks.

I'm waiting for sleep in my comfy little bed,
A silken pillow for my heavy little head.

I'm looking at my two perfect little feet,


She sent me a note about how I'd feel,
If she serve for me a home cooked meal.

When she asked about what to prepare,

The end of the year is about to approach,
And stresses of the season on peace to encroach.

But the days free of work, they do permit,

They're silent and stealthy so look out, beware,
They'll sneak up and invade, you better take care.

Neither short nor tall, nor blue or red,

One day a seed did sprout,
About who it is that's sees,
Who's that person all about,
With the squeak in his knees.

A solitary sonnet, total and whole,
A certain refrain that brightens my soul.

It lifts my spirit, and cheers my mind,

Today just passed like any other day,
Nothing happened in an extraordinary way.

The President didn't call for my learned advice,

Reading them is an entertainment of sorts,
Match profiles, each person's personality reports.

We pick our photos to showcase ourselves and others enlighten,

Whatever kind of bird is served,
There's a preference that's observed.
"White or dark" is often asked,
At a feast when the platter's passed.

A dueling pair with agendas hidden,
One to smite, or one to be smitten?

To satiate hunger, will she submit?

The Best Poem Of Gregory H. Wlodarski

Collective Nouns

Names for groups, collective nouns they are,
In our speech their usefulness goes very far.

For horses you know, the collective noun or word,
This collective noun, as you know is the HERD.

Groups of oxen and cattle called also a HERD,
But a DROVE by some may be preferred.

Here listed are a few others, my lexicon supplying,
Geese standing are a GAGGLE, but are a FLOCK when flying.

Oddly enough flying geese are geese FLOCKING,
But a FLOCK of sheep flying, that would be shocking.

Chicks so cute and yellow, are soft to the touch,
And when chirping together, are called a CLUTCH.

Chicks that grow up, to be hens full grown,
Become hens together, as a BROOD are known.

Quail, doves and swans numbering many,
May be a FLOCK but are always a BEVY.

For a TROOP of monkeys, another term survives,
When living together they're living in TRIBES.

Then there's the whale, that travels in a POD,
Also do dolphins, but not the tuna or cod.

Fish of most kinds, would fit in your pool,
Studying or at recess, they're still a SCHOOL.

Though bees in a SWARM are often flying
A SWARM of ants, attacking may be trying.

Then there's the dog, our very best friend.
In a PACK they wander, and each other do tend.

But for adult dogs, a PACK, is so called,
While it's a LITTER, for pups hairy or bald.

Those male lions and their many brides,
Not herds or flocks but boastfully PRIDES.

A most unusual term, a word that cannot escape,
Is the word for group or a gathering of ape.

This term is the oddest you're likely to have heard,
Their grouping is SHREWDNESS, that's truly the word.

Though shrewd is the mind that is keen and sharp witted,
And shrewdness is the act from such a mind committed,

But when these primates are grouping as a bunch of grapes,
They're not called a pod or pack but a SHREWDNESS of apes.

Gregory H. Wlodarski Comments

Great poetry! Great writing! I enjoyed everything i read

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beautiful poem sir, please rate my poem at // poemid=58645586

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