Luz H.

Luz H. Poems

With tender whispers I disclosed my soul
From all others, I made him my first love.

With eyes of love, a new world...Behold!

The greatest words of love are those unspoken,
there is much conveyed in silence.
I send loving passion too intense to convey.
As soul goes beyond to higher planes

If you wake up at night
And you find me asleep
Please don't wake me
To show me the white Butterfly.

'Love Your Enemies', my brother said
and I began to live again...
simple words uttered by pure light
sent my thoughts to things above.

I left the Mother Land when I turned ten
With the curiosity of a child my age
To this new country I came
To play and learn her ways

I know you cut yourself.
And deep inside my heart
Cries out for you.
I feel your pain

Her name was soft her color white
But to a child of five what mattered most
Was her sweet taste
And so my friend she was, or so I thought.

You need the spot light, the fans, the applause
Smiles, shining and charming persona
To live your dream, smoke and mirrors
It was all good, till your mask dropped off

Two cups of hot chamomile tea and a cigarette
A young, good looking and attentive waiter
who greeted us with a smile
as he brought our tea.

Do not open your lips,
if you are not certain
that your words will be
more beautiful than

Oh! love of mine
So true and kind
Forgive my fears
That've kept you near

You stand in the shadow that was once my life,
those torturous years enduring the pain of something,
I did not know what?
Outwardly going through the motions

Clear is the way that we must go,
Don't look behind!
All that you've known soon will be gone.

Death is a single lady,
a workaholic,
a professional traveling agent,
who does not delegate her work.

Love and beauty, gifts bestowed upon some
Together they design a gentle modesty
for love is perfection, seeks not his own
and beauty without love promotes ego

I want to sleep safe in your arms
and let the moods go swiftly by
for in your arms they cannot touch me
nor make me cry

I saw your face
and I became alive again
your picture seem to stare at me
that bright smile

A love story is not told but lived
and will never get out of style
A true love story has no end
for if one of the lovers dies

Critical wrong comments from certain people
come out of jealousy,
who comparing to you feel lesser,
lacking self love.

Old age in itself has nothing to do with wisdom
for many old people are foolish
Wisdom has to do with making mistakes
then becoming aware, accepting our fault

Luz H. Biography

To say that pain is a good teacher is an understatement. I have wasted valuable time trying to avoid her, yet she manages to finds me, and as I revel and hide from her, I honestly have to say that my greatest lessons in life have been learned under her strict teachings. If it wasn't for her I would not have compassion, gratefulness, spiritual growth, sensitivity for people and their suffering, nor be able to enjoy the sweetness of a pain free, silent moment of peace. " Life is neither good nor bad, Life is Life" Luz H.)

The Best Poem Of Luz H.

Glass Idol

With tender whispers I disclosed my soul
From all others, I made him my first love.

With eyes of love, a new world...Behold!
The spring of youth, screaming scents
And brilliant colors aggressively declared
That love like this would just once be.

My love was pure, yet not returned,
My bleeding heart..., his infidelity...
I never thought I would survive,
The pain, the tears, my Ecstasy!

I lived, I loved, I cried...
But when at last, the Glass Idol was gone
I thanked The Lord for a heart like mine.

Luz H. Comments

Akhtar Jawad 14 September 2018

Poems of Luz Hanaii touch the hearts. She is a wonderful poetess.

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Luz H. Quotes

'The dead don't love nor see, the blessings God bestows.'

'Life is neither good nor bad. Life is Life! '

In this life, pain and suffering are not optional but moaning and bitterness are.

Simplicity can help relax overcrowded minds.

Balance Test: To be unaffected by the opinions and well meaning offers of guidance of others, is the result of maturity.

People are destined to grow old, age and then die, many grow tall, bald or fat, but few grow-up.

Who of true intelligence hasn't suffered, I'd show you a fool.

Life's reality is not romantic so men invented poetry.

Most people live for a time but poets live on.

It is better to walk alone in peace than accompanied but walking on egg shells.

By myself I am never alone.

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