No distance ever separates
Dreams and desires
No mirror ever dissolves
Reflection and water
They leave their homes
Unwillingly forced
And follow their fate
Through fields and trails
Windows open vistas for us
Windows - of hearts, of minds or of eyes
Windows - which might open outward
Or inward
Look December
Don't ever come now!
Look, December
Deserts unnumbered have expanded in me.
White clouds
Morphing wonderfully
Watch those bears
Changing into
Tell me, O moisture
Halted in the eternity of my eyes
Which stagnant epoch has confined you!
God weeps rain
A beautiful singing bird
Imprisoned in a golden cage
Waiting to be freed
Since the hominoid age!
Outside the abode of our sleep
Somewhere a dream burns
Somewhere tears sparkle
Somewhere a moon smoulders
The walls have come out of doors
Narrows are the passages, many are the footprints
On the steep rock where the sun lies half reclined
Jumping over one's shadow, falling headlong