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Annville Paradise Is Also Cat Paradise

We have eight cats.
Inside our house, Ashes and Noel are chums
Together, they play, they race and jump.
They play wrestling and they made loud noise when they race.

A Squirrel's Lenten Appeal To A Cat

A cat climbed up a giant mulberry tree
To ask if squirrels have been away from their home.
One squirrel answered: 'We have been hiding,
The tree is tall and it's hard to jump down to escape your fangs.

Princess Ashes

So graceful are Ashes' steps
So gentle are the soft movements of her paws.
Her long grey mix well with her pumpkin brown hairs
Her beautiful puffy tail looks like a squirrel's tail.

In old days, you weaved the loom and raised silk worms,
You were much younger then, just fifteen years old.
Nowadays, you cut grass and tend water buffalo,
Nowadays, you carry out duties of a daughter-in-law.

Ice Storm Decima

Ice storm Decima has arrived.
I woke up this morning to hear ice falling from the sky.
Sounds of falling ice are monotonously sad and dry
Falling ice-drops dance on house deck while shivering cats await outside.

Snow Storm Niko

Snow storm Niko had arrived
Heavy snowfall started at two o'clock at night.
Winter winds gently shook strands of waving snow.
Around my house, white light shone on these strands of cold.

My Love Boat is moored to your long hair.
My boat carries my love, which is filled to its rim.
My boat carries fresh spring winds
With added ocean mists to keep my love hearty.

A Lullaby - Translation Poem Of TrầN Dạ Từ: BàI Ru

Please close your sad eyes
My vast soul has extended to cover the universe
With shorter days, empty doors, Autumn withers
Sparse leaves on heavy boughs spread loneliness

Hurry Up - Translation Poem Of Xuân DiệU: VộI VàNg

I want to turn off the sunshine,
So, colors won't fade
I want to tie up the winds,
So, fragrance won't fly away.

Visiting The White House With Grand Children

The moon shone beautifully under clear sky
Because it was almost a full moon night
We traveled to visit our grandchildren
Who lived in a far away state.

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