(009) My School Conducts Athletic Meet Poem by Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)

(009) My School Conducts Athletic Meet

Rating: 3.6

Here comes another year
While the old one goes by
Bringing with it new events
In which loads of fun lie
We present the national athletic meet
A great event for athletic lovers
A chance for the athletes to
Show off their skills and powers
Athletes come from all over the country
And from abroad too
Cochin has never seen an event
Of such great magnitude
When the athletes enter the stadium
They are greeted with a din and roar
While their coaches give pep talk and say
If you do well, you will get more
The athletes flex their muscles
Just to warm up before the race
And to make sure they don’t fall asleep
They sometimes slap their face
The field referee blows the whistle and
“On your mark, get set go”, he screams
All eyes are on the athletes
No one dare dreams
There are races, javelin throw
High jump and long jump too
And even an event called shot put
That’ll certainly amaze you
So, sit back, and enjoy
As the athletes speed through the events fast
And I assure you these memories
Your whole life will last.

Akhtar Jawad 11 May 2014

well wrote Risha keep on writing.

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Kee Thampi 27 December 2011

School days may come again in our mind There are races, javelin throw High jump and long jump too And even an event called shot put That’ll certainly amaze you good to read

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Meggie Gultiano 06 January 2008

Happy New 2008 to you, my sweetheart! This is a very beautiful poem my dear, as i can also relate to this because i was an athlete, and i am into sports until now...What a nice flow of wonderful words..Love you.. Meggie

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David Harris 01 January 2008

Happy New Year Little Princess Of Poetry to you and your family. I love this poem about an Athletic Meet. I was never good at athletics when I was at school, kept falling over my shoelaces. And at the moment I need a walking stick to get around. Now if it was a pogo stick I could hop to the finish line. hehe. Great poem Princess. Top marks and thanks for sharing it my friend. David

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Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)

Risha Ahmed (12 yrs)

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