A Baby's Laughter Poem by Cynthia Buhain-baello

A Baby's Laughter

Rating: 3.0

Each time I hear a baby's laughter
I feel a tickle in my heart.

I have to stop and listen better
Catching each note of musical art.

Such innocent laugh in joy released,
A soothing balm for a wearied soul.

All earthly worries seem to ease,
A baby's laughter makes me whole.

(Composed July 18,2008 -Tarlac City Philippines

A Baby's Laughter
Bri Edwards 16 November 2012

cynthia, I LIKE IT. i'm not sure if you meant to type laugh IN joy or laugh IS joy.....or how about innocent joy in laugh released? ? anyway, i got the nice comment from you about my poem ' when wife's in japan'. i tried to send you a private message but the site says you don't accept those. i don't blame you. so here in this comment IS my message: i don't know what transgressive meter is, not having studied the construction of poems (like in a classroom) . i get an idea for a topic and roll with my thoughts, often guided by my quest to usually rhyme and to often be humorous. thanks again for comment. bri

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Bri Edwards 29 October 2021

again, i enjoyed this. and it may make an appearance in an upcoming showcase. : ) bri

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Naida Nepascua Supnet 14 November 2017

Yes a real tickle in the heart- an unexplanable joy

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 30 November 2017

Thank you Naida Nepascua Supnet

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Tom Allport 01 August 2017

a wonderful poem of the sheer joy of listening to spontaneous baby's laughter, well written.

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 30 November 2017

Thank you Tom Allport

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Bisy Untan 09 May 2017

Enjoyed A Baby's Laughter.We all feel it in our heart. But only a poet can share it with beautiful words. Thank you for the poetic expression that you conveyed.

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 30 November 2017

Thank you Bisy Untan

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Bri Edwards 24 April 2017

Cynthia, i enjoyed this once more and shall use it in my/our May showcase. i'll send a copy of the first half of the showcase in the next week or so. this is #1228 in MyPoemList when arranged by date added. Thanks. bri :) is that a picture of YOU laughing!

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Cynthia Buhain-baello 30 November 2017

Thank you Bri Edwards

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