A Fallen-Soldiers Sonnet Poem by Walterrean Salley

A Fallen-Soldiers Sonnet

Rating: 5.0

</>Fallen warriors, gone too soon:
The best, the brave—bold and bright.
Like a comet thrust from the skies
On a late-summertime night.
Men who'd taken up the cause—
Giving no less than their all.
Thirty-one brilliant, eager minds
For whom we silently pause.

In behalf of the motherland,
They've paid the ultimate price.
We acknowledge now their families
In memories of their sacrifice.
And of their story, time will tell.
For they shall be remembered well.

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Topic(s) of this poem: sacrifice
Heyyou Boy 08 November 2012

Its a sad thing we have to even have such a word as war. Mothers sons and daughters give all everyday in the name of their god and glory. A shame but the way it is. You captured this feeling in this outstanding work. Well done! ! !

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Valsa George 25 August 2012

A great tribute to soldiers...... their valour and sacrifices often greatly applauded, but soon forgotten! They deserve to be remembered more often! ! I invite you to read my poem on the same theme- A Hymn to the Unsung Heroes, if you find time!

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Kevin Patrick 10 June 2012

It takes conviction for men and women to be part of an organization where they give themselves for sacrifice so that citizens can have security. The price of our freedom comes from these souls. Great work

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Joseph Anderson 21 May 2012

Lest we forget-A stern, firm reminder, touching for us servivors. Thank you for this. Please read my They Gave All

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Sylva Portoian 12 May 2012

You felt with mothers Who lost their sons... Who will never comeback and dance... A feeling that can never demise... Will burn your cells... mine...and everyone... Thus...We must stop all the wars and genocides...! By applying our poems one by one...!

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