Intoxicated by the inspiration
Of his trade—
With mental powers at work,
A true poet rarely sleeps.
Be good to yourself—
You deserve it.
Take care of yourself
I thought upon the elderly
And whispered a prayer,
Giving thanks to God
For their sojourn here.
On this cold, gray-wintry day,
The sun is nowhere to be found.
Listen! I hear the rain:
Life is all the simple things
That we do and say.
And the much bigger things
That come into play.
He could've made two—
Another just like you.
But, then, He took
A second thought,
O'er fields and fountains,
Resounding in mountains
Is the nightingale's song.
Daffodils glisten
Dear Lord, as busy
As You must be,
Don’t forget
The elderly.
They come from everywhere
For a stroll in the park
And even the joggers
To make their mark.