A Gorilla In My Back Yard Poem by Max Reif

A Gorilla In My Back Yard

Rating: 3.8

There's a gorilla in my back yard.
I'm making friends with him,
approaching cautiously,
as he moves toward my world.

He says a few words,
or what he thinks are words,
to show me how 'human' he is.
He clumsily hikes
a football through his legs.

I've taken a risk
to approach this great beast
whose silver-steel muscles
could crush me in an instant.

Venturing out of his habitat,
he's overcome his natural
fear of the unknown.

A great sharing's
taking place
behind my house.

Ivy Christou 28 November 2005

you are into strange poems lately.. first the zookeeper, then this! Keep it up, it is thought provoking! ! HBH

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Lawrence S. Pertillar 28 November 2005

My mind races with analogies. This is a good, thought provoking write...even though Gorillas prefer the game of Cricket. LSP

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Duncan Wyllie 01 March 2006

Well Max. Next time you are involved in a game of football with a gorilla please take some Shin pads with you. And please make sure that he has full possession of the ball. Lots of fun in this one. Love Duncan

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Gregory Gunn 27 January 2006

Au contraire, my dear Tania. The chasm between man & beast is not that vast. Gregory

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Tania S 28 December 2005

I read the name of this poem on the site a few hours ago before you commented on my poems, and the name made me smile, and now after I read it, I must say is quite impressive, man and beast trying to reach common ground though they are literally worlds apart

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Uriah Hamilton 29 November 2005

I don't really like football players either, they tend to not write poetry, or read!

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Raynette Eitel 28 November 2005

Max, I'm missing my copy of Where the Wild Things Are. Now I think you may have it. Good luck and don't close your eyes when you sleep! Raynette

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Max Reif

Max Reif

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