A Nightingale Came - Ένα Αηδόνι Ήρθε Poem by Kostas Lagos

A Nightingale Came - Ένα Αηδόνι Ήρθε

Rating: 5.0

A nightingale came

and sat upon my roof

but never start to sing

It spoke instead

with a human voice

"Where are all the people

what happened to their laughs?

The children's play has stopped

The markets are now empty

Only the hospitals are full

The scent of disease

has filled the air

Fear and panic now rule"

The little bird flew away

and never came back

I 'm still remembering

its unpleasant words

and its prophecy of doom

Ένα αηδόνι ήρθε

και κάθισε στη στέγη μου επάνω

μα τραγούδι δεν έπιασε ποτέ

Αλλά μου μίλησε

με ανθρώπινη φωνή

"Πού είναι όλοι οι άνθρωποι

τι συνέβη στα χωρατά τους;

Το παιχνίδι των παιδιών έχει πάψει

Οι αγορές είναι πια άδειες

Μοναχά τα νοσοκομεία γεμάτα

Το άρωμα της νόσου

έχει γεμίσει τον αέρα

Ο φόβος και ο πανικός τώρα κυβερνούν "

Το μικρό πουλί πέταξε μακριά

και δεν επέστρεψε ποτέ

Θυμάμαι ακόμα

τα δυσάρεστα λόγια του

και την προφητεία του για την καταστροφή

Thursday, March 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: bird,catastrophe,panic,prophecy
In greek folk poetry birds often bring bad news
Well wisher 12 March 2020

You are a gentleman man and a good poet. Don't go near Robert Murray Smith he will spoil your beautiful mind.

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Anjandev Roy 12 March 2020

This is magnificent. anjandev roy.

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Richard Wlodarski 29 March 2020

Kostas, I find it intriguing that you chose the nightingale as the messenger of doom. This bird is often associated with love (please read my poem Be My Victory Forever for my interpretation) . That being said, a bird of love delivering a message of doom makes the poem even more powerful. A brilliant write!

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Geeta Radhakrishna Menon 15 March 2020

A nightingale came to announce a catastrophe. This is the way of the Super Power. When the world is filled with evil there has to be a way of elimination. A timely poem on the current situation that threatens the world.......10

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Mahtab Bangalee 15 March 2020

Fear and panic now rule" The little bird flew away and never came back I 'm still remembering its unpleasant words and its prophecy of doom beautiful poem penned; superb

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Valsa George 14 March 2020

The fear and anxiety we feel under the threat of Coronavirus is so powerfully delineated here. Yes, the world is moving to a state of stand still and its repercussions, no one can predict! This world wide pandemic has destroyed every one's calm! A sure 10 for this great write.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 12 March 2020

Fear and panic have been painted superbly on the canvas of this marvelous poem. Compelling imagery.

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