A Rose Poem by Sayeed Abubakar

A Rose

Rating: 2.8

A rose has bloomed so far,
I get smell, can't see her.

A rose has bloomed so high,
Nose gets smell, can't see Eye.

Daylight comes, daylight goes;
Sleepless I love the rose.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Topic(s) of this poem: rose
English poem
Ramesh Rai 21 May 2012

beautiful flower. nice poem.

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Sayeed Abubakar 17 June 2016

Your comment is nice too.

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 27 May 2018

I have been since 6 decades struggling composed over 13000 plus poems but very few stand out O GREAT POET of nerve and wisdom WILL is all pervading do read my two poems Moms' Smiles and Mother's Day Today do translate into Bengali if you may Hindi versions have been made and let me know if I have the genes of a poet like you or would you ask me to abandon composing poetry would you... My love and regards to you

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Me Poet Yeps Poet 27 May 2018

u r a brevity poet all can see do read poets like me some day like you roses we may also be come into the garden where poets dance in glee..see the real O POET ME POET ROSY POET IN ME...You O young Poet born only in 1972 have had the nerve to become outstanding 89/500

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Dr Antony Theodore 31 March 2018

i love the rose...... in day light and in its absence....... very nice poem. tha nk u dear poet. tony

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Sayeed Abubakar 01 April 2018

You are an excellent reader and real poet. Thanks.

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Sayeed Abubakar 03 March 2016

একটি গোলাপ একটি গোলাপ পুষ্পিত হলো কতই না দূরে, আমি তার ঘ্রাণ পাই, তবে সে দৃষ্টির বাইরে| একটি গোলাপ মুকুলিত হলো কতই না উচ্চতায়, নাসিকা তার গন্ধ পায়, তবে সে দৃষ্টিরও বাইরে| দিন আসে, দিন চলে যায়; ঘুমহীন আমি ভালবাসি গোলাপ| বঙ্গানুবাদ করেছেন- মাসুমা আখতার রুমা

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Sayeed Abubakar 17 June 2016

It is the Bengali version of this poem by Masuma

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Desire dances in a dutyful way in this beautiful poem.

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Sayeed Abubakar 17 October 2015

A nice comment. I am greatly inspired. Thanks.

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Sayeed Abubakar

Sayeed Abubakar

Jessore / Bangladesh
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