A Runaway Poetry Train Poem by Shaun Cronick

A Runaway Poetry Train

Rating: 5.0

I'm a runaway poetry train,
No brakes ever installed.
A writer's rollercoaster ride,
To keep reader's enthralled.

What shall I scribe next,
Something hellish or heavenly.
I'll simply let time tell,
For that choice is up to me.

Sunday, October 4, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: choice,imagination,thoughts,writing
Rose Marie Juan-austin 08 October 2020

A true and dedicated Poet will always aim to enthrall his readers no matter what. A true spirit of a great Poet is a never ending passion and dedication to Poetry. A beautiful poem depicting the true essence of Poetry. Well crafted and conveyed. Five Stars! ! !

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Shaun Cronick 06 October 2020

Dominic many thanks and I just love to make a poetry rod for my own back and yes keep reader's guessing at what's coming next, but like you say, to keep them, or try to keep them enthralled. It's easy- peasy lemon squeezy to turn out the same old sausage factory poems that are all colour faded in poetry's wash. No originality or poetry mojo. Anyone can do that, for it's like shooting fish in a poetry barrel. Thanks again and take care.

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Shaun Cronick 06 October 2020

Thank you good Bernard for your kind and most generous comment sir. And remain poetry blessed and embellished. And Bernard I will make time soon to read many of yours and comment, For my place at work is also my greedy time mistress. Take care Bernard and thanks again. Shaun.

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Dominic Windram 05 October 2020

Yes, indeed you are a runaway poetry train Shaun (excellent metaphor btw) . You always keeping readers enthralled with topics of endless variety. It's a 'watch out a freight train is coming down the poemhunter track' inspired five from me!

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Bernard F. Asuncion 05 October 2020

A well composed poem. Truly poetic and impressive...5 stars*****

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