How like a route march has this Shakespeare been
For them, bright students of the final year!
What anguish have they felt, what hurdles seen!
What deserts, mountains, thickets everywhere!
And yet this poet's verse is like the spring,
So rich in marvels for the daring mind;
Brimming with life and flowers staggering;
Like dewdrops fresh. Such freshness could they find.
Yet that spring's sparkling clearness seems to some
But toil and trouble, muddy-watered bog;
For Shakespeare and his pleasures only come
To those that clear their hearts and minds from fog;
Or, if some mist abides, 'tis but a veil
That mystifies, but mars not beauty's trail.
But toil and trouble, muddy-watered bog; For Shakespeare and his pleasures only come To those that clear their hearts and minds from fog; Or, if some mist abides, 'tis but a veil That mystifies, but mars not beauty's trail. its good poem about your muses..and really done well and deep way and meaningful alot..well done and hope you add more poems too..liked your poem..appreciate your words and the lines you joint to each other..meaningful...
it was like pure is incredible! well done..thank you..
Nice comments, great experienced vision thanks for sharing,10+
wonderful and very beautiful poem. i love it very much :)
A refreshing read for those of us who love the works of Shakespeare.A well crafted sonnet, worthy of the the great man who inspired it.
poets verse like the spring rich in marvels of the mind like fresh dew drops. veil that mystifies.. i was looking for the different poetic expressions. thank u for this poem... are u in Duisburg. i am in Dortmund God bless you.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
This is so beautifully written! ! 10! and I am adding it to my favorites. It is so like the old style.