A Soundless Cry Poem by Craig Mize

A Soundless Cry

Rating: 5.0

He sits queitly with a lost of words.
But the feel of hurt and anger that he has inside,
Can be seen clealy when looking in his eyes.
Tonight he promises that its going to end, one way or another
Tonight this chapter of his life was going to come to a close.
Sadly it has come to this; the decision has been made.
He gets up slowly as if the calm before the storm has arrived,
Tears are steadily falling from his eyes, forming a river down his cheeks.
As he lift up the revolver, all the hurt and pain reappear again.
A slideshow of bad memories, fifteen years of living hell.
The molestion, the beatings, the death of his innocence.
He did it, she accepted it, they were both to blame.
Flashbacks of him asking his mother for help,
And the feeling of loniness as she just turns and walk away.
To feel weak, alone, vulnerable, the victim, and the problem,
Everytime his father kissed him, touched him, raped him.
But he swore the victim he'll be no more.
Tonight somehow he was going to regain his innocence,
He pulled the trigger, the gun hits the floor.
His body lays limp next to their bed, their own son.
Just fifteen years old with no where to go,
No one to hear his cry, no one to offer him any hope.
He is lying dead by the foot of their bed and on their dresser
Lies a note with just a few words 'See my pain, feel my hurt, hear my cry'.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: suicide,child abuse,crying,hurt
Bernard F. Asuncion 25 October 2017

Well-written, Craig....10++++

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Craig Mize

Craig Mize

gainesville GA
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