A Translation: ' Una Vita Da Ricordare ' (A Poem By Tapera Makadho) Poem by Fabrizio Frosini

A Translation: ' Una Vita Da Ricordare ' (A Poem By Tapera Makadho)

[This is my Italian translation of a poem by Tapera Makadho -see the original here: http: //www.poemhunter.com/poem/a-life-to-remember/]

Una Vita Da Ricordare
Ricordo i vecchi tempi
Quando la fame ripuliva
I visceri dall'interno;
L'estate poteva terminare senza che potessimo contare una goccia
Di pioggia, solo lacrime sul mio viso senza graffi.
Pur riluttante, sono diventato un uomo dentro.

Imparai ad arare, misi il giogo ai buoi a sette anni,
Il ragazzo divenne un uomo aggressivo, scontroso, scabroso.
In tutti quei giorni crudeli fatti di grida e sussurri
Non ricordo di aver mai accennato neppure ad un minimo piagnucolio:
Mi venne insegnato ad essere sordo e muto al dolore,
Divenni insolente -'simpatia' andò a configurare una parola vana.

Duri furono i giorni del mio viaggio,
Senza mai poter gustare né sonno né allegria.

Rozze e ruvide sono le mie mani, che
Non riescono ad afferrare un uovo senza romperlo
O ad accarezzare la mia donna senza farle male.
Non capisco chi sono diventato
Anche se ben ricordo chi sia stato

Non ora, ma in quei tempi ormai andati.

A Life To Remember - Poem by Tapera Makadho

I remember the old days
When hunger cleaved clean
The entrails within,
Summer could pass without counting
Raindrops but tears on my unscathed face
Though unwilling, I became a man inside.

I learnt how to plough, yoke oxen at seven
A boy became a truculent man, grumpy and uneven.
Throughout the cruel days of cries and whispers
I don't remember dropping a molecule of whimpers
I was taught to be deaf and dumb to pain
Now defiant, sympathy is just a word in vain.

Harsh were the days I journeyed
Neither a sleep nor mirth have I enjoyed.

Grungy and rough be my hands,
I can't grasp an egg without breaking it
Or stroke my fiancée without hurting her.
I don't understand who I have become
Though I can only remember who I were
Not now but for time thus gone.

(Tapera Makadho)

A Translation: ' Una Vita Da Ricordare ' (A Poem By Tapera Makadho)
This is a translation of the poem A Life To Remember by Tapera Makadho
Sunday, September 6, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: life
[This is my Italian translation of a poem by Tapera Makadho -see the original here: http: //www.poemhunter.com/poem/a-life-to-remember/]
I'm collecting here a number of interesting poems found at PH's, as I'd like to go on with my publishing project - happily shared with my dear friend Daniel Brick - of a series of 'Anthologies of Poetry From The World '.. I heartily thank all those fellow poets who'll be so nice to let me know of new poets * worthy of attention.
* especially if young poets.

You can look at these two EBOOKS to get an idea of the project:

- - ' Scattering Dreams & Tales' (Anthology of Poetry - by 13 Authors: Fabrizio Frosini, Daniel J. Brick, Leah Ayliffe, Lawrence Beck, Dilantha Gunawardana, Simone Inez Harriman, Diane Hine, Galina Italyanskaya, Mallika Menon, Maia Padua, Mihaela Pirjol, Abby Sze, Niken Kusuma Wardani) :

- - ' We Are The Words - Siamo Parole' (Anthology of Poetry - BILINGUAL: ENGLISH-ITALIAN- poems by 13 Authors: Fabrizio Frosini, Daniel J. Brick, Leah Ayliffe, Lawrence Beck, Dilantha Gunawardana, Simone Inez Harriman, Diane Hine, Galina Italyanskaya, Mallika Menon, Maia Padua, Mihaela Pirjol, Abby Sze, Niken Kusuma Wardani - translated by F.Frosini) :
***** CHECK AT AMAZON.com *****
Fabrizio Frosini 17 October 2015

bout the picture: it is by William Mulready, ''The Seven Ages of Man'' (1838)

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Tapera Makadho 06 September 2015

I'm looking forward to seeing the collection Great work, keep on brother..

3 0 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 06 September 2015

thank you, Tapera!

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