A True Friend Poem by Akhtar Jawad

A True Friend

Rating: 4.8

I was nice with him
he was nice with me,
and the friendship continued,
until he started ignoring me!
I know I must have committed something wrong,
but he never told me what's that something,
Instead of ignoring if he would have slapped me,
and said, "You my ugly friend, you did it with me! "
I would have encircled him in my arms and would have replied,
"I am sorry sweetheart; I don't know how I did it?
Another slap on my left cheek, it's closer to my heart,
but only if you are a lovely true friend."

Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: true
Dr Antony Theodore 23 February 2016

I would have encircled him in my arms and would have replied, I am sorry sweetheart; I don't know how I did it? Another slap on my left cheek, it's closer to my heart, but only if you are a lovely true friend. ohhh beautiful .my dear Akhtar........ you are a master in expressing such wonderful emotions and feelings. thank you. tony

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M Asim Nehal 20 February 2016

Communication in any relationship is very important and essential......There are very few, who express their true feelings....Liked it Janab....10+++

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Kumarmani Mahakul 18 February 2016

True friendship is a fortune definitely and having beautiful understanding between true friends shows new destination in relationship. A lovely true friend remains very closer in heart. Interesting and thoughtful poem shared really.10

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Abhilasha Bhatt 18 February 2016

Each and every lines and words are true.....loved it so much.....u have described a true picture of truth pain ignorance....Wonderful sharing as like always.....thank you sir for sharing :)

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Kelly Kurt 18 February 2016

Oh my! Thus is the parting of many. This poem touched me and brought painful memories.

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