All But Love Poem by Joanna Kantharia

All But Love

Rating: 2.9

In all fairness I will, and I will for sure
Tell you my story, my story of Love

Stone of Heart or Heart of Stone hath he
Beneath that sweet smile, a smile of goldy

Friend he called me, called me many names
But he never heard, heard my cry of pain

Words he gave and words had no meaning
Will he acknowledge my being, was a distant dream

Shattered I lie and lie with my shattered heart
Nostalgia of days, the days those are gone past

Left he scars, many scars of emotional turmoil
Took away my peace, the peace for a lifetime

Among the things he gave, gave passions of desires
The only thing he did not give, he did not give LOVE! ! !

Friday, August 17, 2007
Topic(s) of this poem: love and friendship
Ana Monnar 30 August 2007

Beautiful poem and I say, 'Move on to someone who will love and adore you.' Easier said than done, because I have a hard time moving on. : -))

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Dr.subhendu Kar 31 August 2007

Heartful story of love..........lamentig plangent, beautiful, i do appreciate

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Joanna -x- 07 October 2007

from one joanna to another i adore this poem i feel the pain and emotion that this person does well written xxx

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Rommel Filoteo 19 December 2007

So much string attached but in the end it always be dettached, as we encounter and feel the pain there is always a bright side, that we learn from it. All the pain will always remain on our heart but it will also teach us how to be strong & be a better person. I really love this poem! ! ! ! God bless you always!

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Ratnakar Mandlik 11 December 2015

The plight of a betrayed mind has been wonderfully narrated. Instead of brooding over it, it is always better to get moving forward with a positive approach to mold the future with motley colors. Thanks for sharing.10 points.

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Terry Craddock 11 December 2015

'Friend he called me, called me many names But he never heard, heard my cry of pain Words he gave and words had no meaning Will he acknowledge my being, was a distant dream Shattered I lie and lie with my shattered heart Nostalgia of days, the days those are gone past' especially loved these lines leading to the inevitable 'he did not give LOVE! ! ! '

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Kim Barney 11 December 2015

Love, the only thing missing and the most important thing of all. Well written and congrats on poem of the day!

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M Asim Nehal 11 December 2015

Sorry love story nicely told, Among the things he gave, gave passions of desires The only thing he did not give, he did not give LOVE! ! !

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Rajnish Manga 11 December 2015

Left he scars, many scars of emotional turmoil Took away my peace, the peace for a lifetime A fine portrayal of emotions arising out of a consequence of a love betrayed. Thanks.

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Ramesh T A 11 December 2015

Stone heart can have only love of stone but not vibrant heart of love ever sure!

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