When God created man,
He did not despise,
He created us all in his image,
And beautified all his creation,
Made us one with him,
So that we would all share in his glory,
Through his beloved son,
So let's stop with the discrimination,
The hate for one another,
The preposterous loatheness,
Let's crave for piety,
Long for unity,
Endorse togetherness,
Since we are all God's children,
Uphold love in all facets,
Embrace hope,
Earnestly devote in faith,
Fall back to repentence,
Drive our lips unto confession,
Render our hearts and souls to contrition,
Convict our spirits of all the stench engrossed in our bodies,
Cleanse ourselves of all the evil stain,
In order to keep ourselves within the confines of His grace,
For only Him, who is slow to anger,
And abounding in love and mercy,
Can save us from this bottomless pit,
This abyss that fathoms no light,
Neither does it allow any ray of light to trespass,
But in all this, Oh Lord,
Weeping might incur through the night,
But surely, there will be joy in the morning.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem