American Nuremberg Poem by Raj Dronamraju

American Nuremberg

Part of the perks of winning is not being held responsible for what you did to win
Murder is only defined as such when you lose
So fast and happy and filled with a disgusting self-righteousness
You deliver hollow lectures to a world that fell out of love with you a long time ago

The inhabitants of a mass grave want to tell their side of the story
They won't sleep more peacefully knowing this was made in the USA
A stars and stripes planted with cheeky hypocrisy

William Calley lives free in the USA
He walks the xenophobic American streets because he only killed Vietnamese women and children
My Lai is just one of those things that happen in war they said
Blame is only for killing white people and only for nations that are forced into defeat

The Star of David flying over thousands of dead women and children in Lebanon and Gaza
Lebanon and Gaza are not crimes against humanity, only the holocaust is crimes against humanity
IsraelAmerica fears no criminal prosecution
IsraelAmerica has no morals, no scruples

War crimes trials are for those that lose a war, for those who do not have power
For third world potentates
For non-white autocrats
Not for America

Because an American Nuremberg would bring down the lie that is America
The pitting of one against another, those who work and those who own and those who are unable to do or have either
That's a struggle that's played out internationally, it now plays out nationally
Wave a flag and get busy killing one another

Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: imperialism
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