An Unforgettable Trip (Part 4) Poem by Rebecca Navarre

An Unforgettable Trip (Part 4)

As we began our hike back, my girlfriends foot suddenly
and deeply sunk into a dirt like gopher mound, And as she
tried to pull her foot out, off came the boot! She hobbled
one one leg balancing on me. As I desperately tried to dig
in the snow, dirt and mud for the boot. It had disappeared
to some unknown place, perhaps China we both agreed. As we
believed if we dug deep enough we would indeed reach china.
The wind began picking up, and Pretzel was already headed
off in the direction of the farm house. My girlfriend began
to cry, as her foot began to get wet and colder. She said,
she thought it would freeze! And have to be cut off! Tears
began to streak her face and we both began to panic. I took
off one of my boots and told her to put it on, and we would
have to take turns wearing it. As we tried to make it back
to the house, we clung to each other. Cold and wet we hobbled,
like in a three legged race, but only what seemed a million
times slower. Switching the one boot with each other, when
the other felt she could no longer stand the freezing wet sock,
on the other foot. It was the longest hike we had ever experienced.
And as we reached the house, shacking, shivering and carrying one
another. There, we saw Pretzel. Already on the stairs of the door
way. Looking up at us as if to say, what took you girls so long,
don't you know how cold it's gotten! Grandma was at the door
instantly, exclaiming, you girls have been gone forever! We've
been so worried about you! Your Uncle Joey was just about to
go out looking for you two! Grandmas hot chocolate and the warmth
of the wood stove had never felt so good! As we warmed ourselves
and told the story of what happened to us. Uncle Joey, laughed
as he told us, what we thought were gopher mounds were probably
piles of manure. For occasionally they allow the cows to graze
in that part of the pasture. But, girlfriend and I did not care
at the moment, for we were just glad to be warm and safe inside,
and neither of us had to have our foot removed! As we snuggled
into bed later that night...

Laurie Van Der Hart 09 June 2017

How cool? Great story, Rebecca. I can really identify with the feeling of friendship and adventure. And the gopher mound turned out to be cow dung? ! What larks!

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Rebecca Navarre 10 June 2017

Thank You! ! ! For Such Kind Comments! ! ! ! ! You Are A Wonderfully Descriptive Poetess With Such Beautiful Heart! ! ! ! ! Thank You So Much Again! ! ! ! ! Many Blessings! ! ! ! ! Many Smiles! ! ! ! !

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