At The Airport Terminal Poem by Ravi Kopra

At The Airport Terminal

When I went to the airport today
with you to say goodbye to you,
your eyes welled up at the gate
and tears fell on your cheeks

Keep heart my love, I said
How lucky we are we are in love
and it hurts to hear a goodbye
even for a short while

I held back my tears at that moment
I wanted to show you I am a man
as men do not cry at parting
lest they show their unmanliness

It was a moment later when you had
entered the gate and was out of sight
my heart could not contain my tears
my hanky was wet on leaving the terminal

I just wanted to tell you
how hard it is to hide love!
I have been thinking of you since then
and searching flights to fly to you.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: love and life
Bri Edwards 01 February 2018

i'll bet my wife would like to have me write a similar poem for her. fat chance! when she flies out, i wander the streets looking for fun! ! ! [[ just kidding :) ] trying to be manly? i don't know of men who would say they had a hanky. maybe some hanky-panky! actually, i've heard the word hanky, but it's been years i think, and i don't know if a man or woman or kid or all three said it. a nice poem. i am not a romantic. bri :) to MyPoemList.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 01 February 2018

Ravi, such a lovely write👍👍👍

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