Autumn Song Poem by Sarojini Naidu

Autumn Song

Rating: 3.4

Like a joy on the heart of a sorrow,
   The sunset hangs on a cloud;
A golden storm of glittering sheaves,
Of fair and frail and fluttering leaves,
   The wild wind blows in a cloud.

Hark to a voice that is calling
   To my heart in the voice of the wind:
My heart is weary and sad and alone,
For its dreams like the fluttering leaves have gone,
   And why should I stay behind?

Akshay Sekar 17 January 2006

the song is awsome foolishowla

62 55 Reply
Sarojini Pattayat 14 October 2012

she was painting her poems with deep emotion, so close to heart.

88 25 Reply
Aziz Alkaabi 25 August 2012

It is sad to publish this jewl and receive just a single comment! the world is lauded with ignorance!

68 27 Reply
Fabrizio Frosini 24 April 2016

here is Naidu's beautiful poem, translated into my language - Italian: 'Canto d'Autunno' Come una gioia al centro di un dolore, Il tramonto è appeso ad una nuvola; Una tempesta dorata di scintillanti covoni, Di simili, fragili, svolazzanti foglie, Che il vento selvaggio fonde in una nuvola. Ascolto la voce che grida Al mio cuore con la voce del vento: Il mio cuore è stanco e triste e solo, Perchè i suoi sogni si sono dispersi come le foglie svolazzanti, Perché io dovrei restare? ('Autumn Song' by Sarojini Naidu)

33 3 Reply

Fuck you all Bitch

3 18 Reply
Unnikrishnan E S 15 January 2022

Today I find Rabindranath Tagore ranked a No.1 in the best poet list on PoemHunter, above Wordsworth and Shakespeare. I endorse this.

1 2 Reply
Unnikrishnan E S 15 January 2022

Beautiful poem, built on awesome imagery. "Sunset hanging on a cloud" ⛅️! , ! ! ! My heart leaps to

1 1 Reply
YASHMITHA BOMIDI 30 December 2021

Awesome song mam

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Asman Faria 27 February 2021


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duke perry abrokwa 24 January 2021

Beautiful masterpiece

1 1 Reply
Sarojini Naidu

Sarojini Naidu

Hyderabad / India
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