Ballad Of The Rude Monk Poem by Kostas Lagos

Ballad Of The Rude Monk

Yesterday a rude monk I met

on his knees was praying

the church was filled with his loud voice

biblic rhymes he was saying

My friend, can I help you, I asked

something you want or need?

Hush, direspectful priest, he said

go find hymns to read

I am pious, devoted to God

don't disrupt me like that

You've got my intentions all wrong,

didn't want your song to cut

Yes you did, you did on purpose

you're for the Church disgrace

he said to me and then by God

I punched him in the face

Friday, June 29, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: fight,humor,rude
Never happened, just fiction!
Captain Cur 12 July 2018

Obviously this monk should take a vow of silence. It would save him many noses. Your poem is humorous but on a deeper level one should always fight for his faith, fight with the spirit not with the flesh.

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Kostas Lagos 13 July 2018

Punch the infidels! Heheh! It would be interesting...Yes, the fight for ones faith should have no trace of physical violence.Thank you!

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Kumarmani Mahakul 29 June 2018

Going through your poem I felt the event as true but from your poet's note it is a fiction. Enjoyed your beautiful poem with humour.

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Kostas Lagos 30 June 2018

Yes, it is fiction.Glad you liked it!

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 29 June 2018

Sometimes we meet people that are arrogant and troublesome. They need punch in the face. But it is better to ignore to avoid a long battle. A wonderful story that makes me laugh. Well crafted write, Father Kostas. Enjoyed reading it.10+++++

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Kostas Lagos 29 June 2018

I'm glad you enjoyed it so I don't have to punch you too! Thanks a lot!

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Robert Murray Smith 29 June 2018

We all feel that way some time.++10

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Kostas Lagos 29 June 2018

Do not punch people in the face.Even if they are irritating! Thank you!

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