Bar Poem by Magic What'sHerName


Rating: 5.0

Your sitting at the town bar
No one knows where you are
Will you ever come back?
Your dads ready to give you a good whack
Your moms been worried sick
I didn't know your drinking problem would stick
You've got to let it go
Because the next thing you'll know
Is your addicted and you can't stop
And I'll have to be there to mop
Up the mess you you've made of yourself
But that's what best friends are for
When you can't take anymore
I'll be there to pick you up off the floor
Rescue you from the bad people in life
Protect you from your strife
I have to keep you alive
When you want to just dive
Into a pool that would drown you
But there are people who love you
So get out of that damn bar!
Let us in to where you are
Put down that damn drink!
What do you think
Will become of you?
All the rumors are true
Idiots that get addicted lose everything they love
Yeah, they all think they'll live above
But you can't protect yourself
Not if you let yourself
Go and watch yourself drown!

*(For a friend who needed help bad, One who made her parents sad) *

Jazz Annis 24 June 2009

wow u care bout ur friend so much! that is so strong of you to do when u got personal problems of ur own! i admire ur strengh!

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