Beginning And End (Again) Poem by Eric Cockrell

Beginning And End (Again)

Rating: 2.5

faded lines, greying hair,
life spillt from a cup.
even stars fall down,
nothing ever falls up!

world changes, still the same,
or maybe getting worse.
vanity of vanities
riding in a hearse.

and the truth kills the lie
with a savage swing.
but there's a place
inside our dreams....

a door only time can open,
a peace beyond all our hoping.
where beginning and end begin again.
the home of lightning and howling wind!

faith burned, anger earned,
fists against the wall.
you cant see what can be
when you cant hear the call.

the house you built, the spirit killed,
the love that in the end devours.
when seconds turn into lifetimes
in your final hours.

and the truth kills the lie
with a savage swing.
but there's a place
inside our dreams...

a door only time can open,
a peace beyond all our hoping.
where beginning and end begin again.
the home of lightning and howling wind.

(De Va) 09 January 2012

I found that place where the beginning and end begin again...smiles......blessings

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Shadow Girl 21 October 2011

Deep and profound...could read this over and over and read something new each time...lovely. -SG

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Hans Vr 21 October 2011

Deep moments of reflection and hope captured in these melodious verses

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