Born A Slave Poem by Lungelo S. Mbuyazi

Born A Slave

Rating: 5.0

Politicians may say
It's discrimination,
South Africans felt
It was apartheid,
Scholars argue -
It's human dominance,
Scientists once said -
It's the survival of the fittest,
Philosophers teach -
It's human exploitation,
Societies claim -
It's the lack of humanity

Kingdoms crumble, they say
It's human emancipation,
Sing it,
Royalty standstill through
Human slavery,
When its horn breaks, they say
It's disloyalty, yet
The Prophets knew -
We can't direct our steps

The 12th of the Romans fifth
Knows that all men are slaves
Of their own flesh

You know it,
The flesh wants what it desires,
But the Bible teaches -
We're sinners. Say it,
I was born a slave!
Sing it,
I was born a slave!
Yes, I was born a slave.

Sunday, June 24, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: government,lamentations,philosophy,royalty
Simon 25 June 2018

Your heartfelt story of humans'morning here is well documented....This is brilliant, Lungelo....This is a 1000/10 piece of artwork.

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Ravi Kopra 06 July 2018

They sinned and us as their descendants we too are sinners. Ha ha ha ha ha... So sin is genetic!

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Ravi Kopra 06 July 2018

The 12th of the Romans fifth Knows that all men are slaves Of their own flesh. Man is made of his own flesh, so he is his own slave - he works his off for his flesh (survival) . If this is defined as slavery, then the The 12th of the Romans fifth is utter nonsense, and so is the poem based on it.

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 06 July 2018

I acknowledge your insight on this poem. Thanks Ravi, much appreciated. Yeah, mankind were meant to rule over all creators not one another. Ask Adam, he will tell you how it was like before he and Eve they broke their freedom to choose any fruit from any trees except one tree. They sinned and us as their descendants we too are sinners. Hence, man are slaves of their own flesh! Yes, man will always suffer and feels enslaved as long as another man rules over them. Ecclesiastes 8: 9

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Akhtar Jawad 05 July 2018

But why some are born to be a master and most of us are born as the slaves. If it's a well planned world and we are a well built robots, why we love and why we hate. Pains may be the sost of pleasure, but why the ratio of pains and pleasure varries in man to man. I see the condition of animals more adverse than the humans. why?

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 06 July 2018

How I appreciate your insights on this poem...much appreciated....mankind were not supposed to rule one another...let's go back to the creation of man, Genesis 1v28

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Chandan Dey 04 July 2018

I'm really moved reading your poem. You've nicely analyzed the human character. A powerful writing that makes us think deeply. Chandan

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 05 July 2018

Thanks Chandan with your positive feedback on this poem... It really makes me happy if one of my poems reach the hearts of its reader. I appreciate all your insightful comments.

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Hazel Durham 01 July 2018

Powerful and hard hitting write, that we are all born slaves of our own flesh, we are all equal as none of us are perfect! Outstanding write!

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Lungelo S Mbuyazi 02 July 2018

Thanks Hazel for laying a positive contribution to this poem. I appreciate your wonderful insight.

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