The taste is there
Love biting
My throat
Inhibiting my brain
As I look for words
To explain
To paint a
Simple picture
Roiling emotions
Fixating my focus
On you
Love is magic
A sense within us
Beyond mere
Tears mount my rims
Each droplet falls on
Blushing cheeks
No words will come
Yet a volume of love
Is making its way
To you
Bringing you nearer
To me
Don't be afraid
Let nature
Fulfill us
'A sense within us...beyond mere description! ' An elegant passage. Excellent composition!
no words will come. yet a vloume of love......... this is just lovely. excellent master piece.
your love flows like Nile, forming branches of streams which lead to eternity.i luv this piece.keep 'em comin' carol.
let nature fulfill us...what lovely closing lines to end this beautiful poem on love....10
Tears mount my rims Each droplet falls on Blushing cheeks No words will come Yet a volume of love.............. .yet the flow of rhythm starts consuming thrumming the core half backed bone................oh wonderful expression of love in resilience, passionate write by imagery yet of unique genre,10++++, thanks for sharing
Love is magic A sense within us Beyond mere Description Tears mount my rims Each droplet falls on Blushing cheeks No words will come A to z--> astonishingly captured this reader! beautiful free form with amazing flow! verses are emitted by you dear carol a truely poetic heart! 10+
The short, rather abrupt lines work well to emphasize the short breaths of one overwhelmed by the urgency of desire and passion underpinning first love. Many writers would spoil the narrative by over-writing, but your rather concise style allows you to capture the ecstatic very powerfully. love, Allie ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
i wish i can be closer as well, nice poem ma'am. it's calling.........