You sit there and say,
'You don't know me.
A lie like that
Slips out too easily
Your eyes blank
Stare straight into mine
Daring me to defend
To contradict
To deny my body and mind
When I without effort, thought
Completely, naturally
Absorb and digest
Expand and radiate you back
Back through me
To fill space, to light it up
To magically touch those
Who look my way
To share then with them
My knowledge of you
To validate my feelings
My new truth
My first real sensory
Connection with myself
A blinding, delicious
Partnership with nature
When all in me
Combines with sounds
Textures and colors
And you sit and coldly say,
'You don't know me
When you know, as do I
That I know you
Molecule by molecule
We have shared
Explored the universe
Of minds together
We have, dear sir
Gotten to know each other
Not by ordinary means
Social intercourse
Our mystical eyes
A special gift we share
Took us there
Left our inert bodies behind
To become one with all matter
For all time
Where only awareness
And appreciation count
It happened that way for me
I know you
And now I know myself
It's not necessary to say
'You don't know me'
It's okay
This poem shows that your know yourself and are skilled and comfortable enough to let the reader know too. Tom
Thanks for your wonderful insight - you give new meaning to the mundane world. Here's someone with exceptional poetic talents. Your intelligence, abilities, and perception shines with every line. Keep writing.
A stern lecture indeed! Well deserved comeuppance I would guess. Brilliant execution.
Such an expressive poignant piece, written in a vivid verses........lovely poem...10+++
A deep write in deed into the mind of a confident person unafraid to speak her mind and to hold her ground mentally. I enjoyed this tremendously. Well done
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
well done carol! ! ! very touchy and emotional. you have a great quality to take the reader on the ride.10/10 *