Conversation With Lord Krishna - Iii (Fiction) Poem by Varanasi Ramabrahmam

Conversation With Lord Krishna - Iii (Fiction)

I: Why people feel miserable?

Lord Krishna: They feel miserable when events do not take place as they expect or when they do not get the things they aspire for; and when unexpected things happen.

I: But poverty also makes one miserable.

Lord Krishna: Yes. That is why haves must also take care of the have nots.

I: Lord Budddha says desire is the root cause of misery.

Lord Krishna: Desire is not the root cause of misery. The nature of human beings is to desire. There is no problem with desiring. The person who desires must know that what all one desires one need not or may not attain. They must be ready for disappointment also. Then there is no misery. One must cultivate the trait of taking things in one’s own stride and must learn the art of absorbing pleasant and unpleasant words, events, and happenings.

I: Why human beings sometimes suffer for no apparent reason?

Lord Krishna: It is in human nature to suffer. When there are no real afflictions, one invents some. Continuous happiness bores individuals. And it is in nature also; order and disorder follow each other. It is a universal rule.

I: Why so many isms have proliferated? Why You allowed such proliferation?

Lord Krishna: Origin and evolution of isms are natural processes just as the sprouting and growth of vegetation. Every kind sprouts and grows. It is your wisdom which must decide which vegetation must be allowed to remain and which is to be rooted out.

I: You are not taking any responsibility.

Lord Krishna: I have already told that We act through living beings; and through animate and inanimate things too. They are both our medium and means of action.

I: You told that human inquisitiveness and enthusiasm is God. Can I also add that God is a beautiful, romantic, pleasant, blissful and peace-giving imagination, feeling and idea of human beings.

Lord Krishna: You have put it very beautifully. And it is always a puzzle whether We created you or you created Us. But it is a fine and beautiful arrangement. You made your transitory lives significant and purposeful by inventing Us, the Gods.

I: It seems to me that we mutually created each other.

Lord Krishna: Yes, true.

I: What is Your message to non-believers?

Lord Krishna: Let the non-believers scrutinize their behaviors and limitations before denying My Existence or before ridiculing and abusing God and believers. Let them live righteously. When you live righteously you need not believe in any. Righteousness protects you. Dharmo rakshati rakshitaha;
Criticizing God and Divinity is not righteousness. It is not civilized behavior too.

Atheists are also believers. They believe that I do not exist. Devotees believe that I exist. How is it, one belief is rational and other is not when both are beliefs only. This is all the play of different peculiar natures and traits in humans. It is not essential to believe in the existence of God. It is essential to have belief in oneself and in one’s existence and to possess compassion. Compassion is a Divine Quality. Everything else is futile discussion and waste of time. It leads no where.

I: Why You distract us with attractions and entertainments like cinema, TV, etc., and keep us glued to them; and not allow us to remember You, chant Your sweet divine Name and see that we are always engaged in Your smaranam (mental chanting) .

Lord Krishna: I do not do anything here. Only your natures guide you.

I: Why won’t you prevent us from such engagements doing something to our natures?

Lord Krishna: I only can transcend nature.

I: And also we view, find and experience You, Your Divinity and Presence in the love of men for women, women for men, husbands for wives, wives for husbands, parents for children, children for parents, humans for humans, and among other creation. And this compassionate and delightful sport of You, making us see you in and among us, is most dear to me.

Lord Krishna: A very shrewd and aesthetic observation. I bless you.

Varanasi Ramabrahmam

Varanasi Ramabrahmam

Vegeswarapuram, India
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