Crazy Women Poem by Eugene Levich

Crazy Women

Rating: 5.0

I seem to attract women who are crazy!
I wonder why that should be!
Is it because they see in me
Some comforting rationality—
As if I were a tree
Under whose branches they'd find safety
From the storms of their own absurdity?

Or do they see me as a kindred spirit,
Crazy as a loon and absent totally of wit,
A complete whacko just like they,
Skirts who view the world neurotically?
Yes, that, I fear, could very well be it!

Or do they detect that I find them fascinating,
Mesmerizing, and terribly attractive,
High strung, dangerous, enormously seductive?
Well that's certainly true, I must admit!
If you haven't had a crazy woman in bed
You really and truly haven't yet lived!

The fact is I find all women totally nuts!
The same way they see men... us!
Can you imagine anything so illogical?
A point of view merely gender biological!
And if you‘re a certain woman reading this,
My remarks do not refer to you at all—
As, clearly,
Wonderful woman that I hold most dearly-
You are the exception to the rule!

Thursday, July 17, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
This poem was of course written tongue-in-cheek. Sort of.
Bri Edwards 17 September 2016

dang! it was NOT in MyPoemList, but is now. not that it will ever get read again. this one really is fantastic. i suppose a few might argue the point. and Sort of. in the Poet's Notes! are we sure Bri did not write this one? ? no, it takes a PhD to write such stuff! bri :)

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Bri Edwards 17 September 2016

as beautiful a poem as it was two years ago. good thing i had forgotten it so i could enjoy it to its fullest......... again. so your wife did not speak to you for a week, JUST because she found out you were referring to someone else with this line: You are the exception to the rule! ? ? ? women! why did God [or was it the other one? ] even bother making them? bri ;) :) to MyPoemList if it is not there yet. and this would be a FINE addition to any or all showcases. maybe i could just start each month with it?

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Valsa George 05 September 2014

'And if you‘re a certain woman reading this, My remarks do not refer to you at all—' Oh, It is such a relief.......! ! A very interesting write! Are you sure you attract only crazy women..... no sensible ones? Enjoyed

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Bri Edwards 20 July 2014

CHICKEN! cluck cluck cluck. :) bri - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - so THAT explains my first three wives! ! ! i like the tastes-of-rhyme you threw to me. i especially lapped up illogical/biological. thanks for sharing, my friend. bri :)

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Sandra Feldman 17 July 2014

At least, You include yourself, in the same melting pot of insanity. Which makes me thing of the Spanish proverb De musico, poeta y loco, Todos tenemos un poco (Of musician, poet and madman we all have our measure) Your poem is insanely different, but very well written and attractive. Enjoyable and witty.

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