Eugene Levich

Eugene Levich Poems

First paint a cage
With an open door
Then paint
Something pretty

As I watch the news
Or read history
I'm sickened by Human

Tragedy and Comedy
So intertwined!
We are born to die:
That is the tragedy!

All the former Brides of Bri
How they sigh and sigh!
My, how they miss him—
That wonderful guy!

Zhuang Zhou dreamt he was a butterfly.
The butterfly at waking became Zhuang Zhou.
One thing evolves into another.
Myriad things are just so.

Blowing snow
And it ain't cocaine
Though it's white
It's three feet deep,

They are informed of their needs by TV ads
They don't write long letters to their loved
They tweet

'All of life is but a dream
And dreams are but dreams! '
'Life is a frenzy...
A shadow, a fiction, an illusion...'

Who is BRI...
That all the Brains commend him?
(Sorry Shakespeare... Willy!)


Some baboons are clever.
One in New York City learned English
And can speak with a sixth-grade vocabulary.
Quite a feat!

My wife just reminded me:
"The garbage gets collected tomorrow morning
And you'd better take it out now."

I seem to attract women who are crazy!
I wonder why that should be!
Is it because they see in me
Some comforting rationality—

Snow last night
Early this year
Flakes still flutter
White drifts four feet deep.

Oh, how wonderful it must be
To wing like that Pelican o’er the sea!
What shall we name it, I ask my wife.
“Ulysses” she says, “or Penelope.”

Sometime in the future the Sun will explode and destroy the Earth.
What then will this poem be worth...

Or anything else for that matter?

Ah! Italia
Land of Vino
Gina Lollobrigida

As a boy
One evening
In a restaurant
On one of the hills surrounding Rome

Everyone's so busy dying slowly-
(Though some die quickly) -
So who needs...


"Whenever you meet a contradiction
You must make a fine distinction."
No two conflicting statements can be true!
The Medieval Scholastics made this observation.

Some women are like red wine and honey
Others like nourishing bread.
You are Champagne—
1907 Heidsieck,1928 Krug, or Perrier-Jouet

Eugene Levich Biography

Doctorate in Far Eastern Languages and Civilizations, the University of Chicago.)

The Best Poem Of Eugene Levich

To Paint The Portrait Of A Bird... By Jacques Prévert

First paint a cage
With an open door
Then paint
Something pretty
Something simple
Something beautiful
Something useful
For the bird
Then place the canvas against a tree
In a garden
In a wood
Or in a forest
Hide yourself behind the tree
Without speaking
Without moving...
Sometimes the bird will arrive soon
But it could also easily take many years
For it to decide
Wait if necessary for years
The rapidity or slowness of the arrival of the bird
Has no connection with the success of the painting
When the bird arrives
If it arrives
Observe the most profound silence
Wait until the bird enters the cage
And when it has entered
Gently close the door with the brush
Erase one by one all of the bars
While being careful not to touch any of the feathers of the bird
Then make a portrait of the tree
Choosing the most beautiful of its branches
For the bird
Paint also the green foliage and the freshness of the wind
The dust of the sun
And the noise of the creatures of the grass in the heat of summer
And then wait for the bird to decide to sing
If the bird does not sing
It's a bad sign
A sign that the painting is no good
But if it does sing it's a good sign
A sign that you can sign.
Then you gently pull out
One of the feathers of the bird
And you sign your name in a corner of the painting.

Trans. Eugene Levich

Pour Faire le Portrait d'un Oiseau - par Jacques Prévert

Peindre d'abord une cage
avec une porte ouverte
peindre ensuite
quelque chose de joli
quelque chose de simple
quelque chose de beau
quelque chose d'util
pour l'oiseau
placer ensuite la toile contre un arbre
dans un jardin
dans un bois
ou dans un forêt
se cacher derrière l'arbre
sans rien dire
sans bouger...
Parfois l'oiseau arrive vite
mais il peut aussi bien mettre de longues années
avant de se décider
Ne pas se décourager
la vitesse ou la lenteur de l'arrivée de l'oiseau
n'ayant aucun rapport
avec la réussite du tableau
Quand l'oiseau arrive
s'il arrive
observer le plus profond silence
attendre que l'oiseau entre dans la cage
et quand il est entré
fermer doucement la porte avec le pinceau
effacer un à un tous les barreaux
en ayant soin de ne toucher aucune des plumes de l'oiseau
peindre ensuite aussi le vert feuillage et la fraîcheur du vent
la poussière du soleil
et le bruit des bêtes de l'herbe dans la chaleur de l'été
et puis attendre que l'oiseau se décide à chanter
si l'oiseau ne chante pas
c'est mauvais signe
signe que le tableau est mauvais
mais s'il chante c'est bon signe
signe que vous pouvez signer
Alors vous arrachez tout doucement
une des plumes de l'oiseau
et vous écrivez votre nom dans un coin du tableau.

Eugene Levich Comments

Walterrean Salley 08 November 2016

An astute poet of impressive works.

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Bri Edwards 10 June 2016

I'M SURE I DID not MEAN TO TYPE (on a self-correcting tablet) final exam when i first left a comment (below) about my friend Eugene aka Gino. i probably typed A fine young man...! bri :) technology! hmmph! ! !

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Bri Edwards 18 May 2016

A final exam young (heh heh) man, but not (quite) as smart as I am. Anyone could pretend to translate poems from Chinese to English; who could tell? ? Bri :)

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Sandra Feldman 11 August 2014

Great Wisdom and Great Taste, A Gentleman of grace.

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