Deep In Our Refrigerator Poem by Jack Prelutsky

Deep In Our Refrigerator

Rating: 4.8

Deep in our refrigerator,
there's a special place
for food that's been around awhile...
we keep it, just in case.
'It's probably too old to eat,'
my mother likes to say.
'But I don't think it's old enough
for me to throw away.'

It stays there for a month or more
to ripen in the cold,
and soon we notice fuzzy clumps
of multicolored mold.
The clumps are larger every day,
we notice this as well,
but mostly what we notice
is a certain special smell.

When finally it all becomes
a nasty mass of slime,
my mother takes it out, and says,
'Apparently, it's time.'
She dumps it in the garbage can,
though not without regret,
then fills the space with other food
that's not so ancient yet

Friday, December 13, 2013
Topic(s) of this poem: food
David Lessard 13 December 2013

I'd say it's way past time, Jack. Thanks for the humor.

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ayden 02 May 2018


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Stephen Katona 12 May 2015

You've just described how we use our fridge...terrific poem

12 9 Reply
M Asim Nehal 14 January 2016

When finally it all becomes a nasty mass of slime, my mother takes it out, and says, 'Apparently, it's time.'

7 13 Reply
Rajnish Manga 11 June 2016

It is indeed a great fun to read Jack Prelutsky's poetry but this one is exceptionally hilarious. The poet has taken a cue from day to day life.

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Mahtab Bangalee 01 December 2020

She dumps it in the garbage can, though not without regret, then fills the space with other food that's not so ancient yet // after two months again this poem before us as POD; many many congrats to the great poet for his beautiful poem sharing

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Khairul Ahsan 01 December 2020

This poem was published as the 'Modern Poem of the Day' on 01 October 2020. Just on completion of two months, it has again been published as the 'Modern Poem of the Day' on 01 December 2020. Was there so much dearth of a good poem, that the selectors didn't find another for the honor?

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Solumate alone 01 December 2020

same for the relationships, it is time, just like spoilt food

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Mary Jones Anthony 01 December 2020

This poem is so humourous and realistic. I love it. Kudos Jack

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Deluke Muwanigwa 01 December 2020

Is this what is called sloth?

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Jack Prelutsky

Jack Prelutsky

Brooklyn, New York
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