SURELY I heard a voice-surely my name
Was breathed in tones familiar to my heart!
I listened-and the low wind stealing came,
In darkness and in silence to depart.
Surely I saw a form, a proud bright form,
Standing beside my couch! I raised mine eyes:
'Twas but a dim cloud, herald of a storm,
That floated through the grey and twilight skies.
Surely the brightness of the summer hour
Hath suddenly burst upon the circling gloom!
I dream; 'twas but the perfume of a flower,
Which the breeze wafted through the silent room.
Surely a hand clasped mine with greetings fond!
A name is murmured by my lips with pain;
Woe for that sound-woe for love's broken bond.
I start-I wake-I am alone again!
Impeccably beautiful- sweetly rhymed poem with a lovely dream sequence. Thanks.
Wonderful dream poem to read! Dreams are surely like that as said in this beautiful poem!
Sounds like it could have been written today about lost love. Think I will poke around and read a few other of her poems
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Pining so beautifully expressed!