Drown In His Greatness Poem by Ayatullah Nurjati

Drown In His Greatness

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A gentle breeze pushes the clouds to let go of their essence, which is pure water in the form of raindrops
A tree with its lush leaves hanging to the ground bowed in His majesty
Creeping animals to mammals believe in this phenomenon while doing Dhikr
Rocks that look dead seem to move and grow

Animals that metamorphose from water to soil or from soil, trees to the air seem to believe in it as a causality of the earthly ecosystem.
Animals that are invisible to the eye to the largest always follow their conscience in a food chain
The old vulcanized area, the former raging ancient volcano, has long cooled and made everything look more beautiful
The river of snake incarnation, Lukolo, is a testament to how nature was formed

The ocean floor with plates colliding with each other has revealed how the earth was formed through the process of Sunatullah
Nature presents a synergy between land, air and sea biota
Wadasputih Mountain, Paras Hill, Kruwet Hill, Duwur Hill and Indrakila Hill as if steady with the splendor they have
Do not let them be pawned let alone eroded by greedy humans because they in their habitat always fall down, bowing in His majesty

Wadasmalang, May 16th,1997
© Ayatullah Nurjati @PoemHunter.com

Drown In His Greatness
The natural honey that is served on this island will definitely never run out for a long time
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