Dust Of Dreams Poem by Nosheen Irfan

Dust Of Dreams

Rating: 5.0

Each day
peels away
my hope

moon standing afar
gazes into my wounds
shines brighter

leaves kiss the ground
then rustle along the ground
singing a song

while life spins out
a symphony
from fragments

I gather in trembling palms
the dust of my dreams

Dust Of Dreams
Friday, December 28, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: life,melancholy,sadness
Unnikrishnan E S 29 December 2018

Part 4 But, all is not lost. There is still the song of leaves, although they are dead leaves, just rustling. And “Life spins out A symphony From the fragments” Hope, at the end of the tunnel.

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Unnikrishnan E S 29 December 2018

Part 5 And I gather the dust of my dreams in my trembling palms, for that is all left, of my life, my dreams, of my future.

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Unnikrishnan E S 29 December 2018

Wonderful poem. Great write. Very philosophical. Captivating the readers’ hearts. Truly Nosheenic. A 100 and onto MyPoemList.

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Unnikrishnan E S 29 December 2018

Hi Nosheen, A very deep and serious look at the hard facts of life, where everything tends to fall apart. In very few words and coherent images, you have succeeded in capturing the sobs of a painful 💔 heart. “Each day peels away my hope” tells us how dreadful and hopeless the realities of life are. The way the three lines are constructed, says a lot. They reverberate like “sobs”. (Contd)

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Dr Dillip K Swain 08 September 2021

A poignant poem. However, lucidity of expression makes it collosal.

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Nadeem Ishaque 13 March 2019

This poem has a rhythmic musicality to it and an ambiguity of feeling. The overall composition is in a minor key but the major key peeks through, giving the poem a beautiful tension. In the best tradition of modernist verse, feelings and imagery are juxtaposed without resolution or a climax.

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Unnikrishnan E S 05 January 2019

I just made a revisit, for this has been haunting me ever since I first read it. I leave with a sting in my heart. And I had omitted to mention the original image you have added to the poem. It enhances the experience, the expression.., the feeling

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M Asim Nehal 01 January 2019

Outstanding poem, Nosheen. Heartfelt poem. while life spins out a symphony from fragments I gather in trembling palms the dust of my dreams

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Nosheen Irfan 29 December 2018

Thank you heartily Unnikrishnan for taking great pains to evaluate the poem so thoroughly though i could hardly make sense of it myself😜

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Unnikrishnan E S 29 December 2018

Sorry Nosheen. Although I had promised a 100 and MyPoemList entry, I could not do it because, ph is playing truant once again.

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Nosheen Irfan

Nosheen Irfan

Lahore, Pakistan
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