Escape From The Bronx Poem by buried alive

Escape From The Bronx

Rating: 5.0

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Escape From The Bronx
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: death,life
Bri Edwards 02 July 2018

so, did you escape PH as well? ? i saw a comment from you on another poet's poem and i HAD TO check you out! i'm glad i did; THIS is/was a fantastic work of art. this to MyPoemList. i hope you are wellllll ....settled in another poetry site, working undercover in the White House, or dead (painlessly) . maybe 2 out of 3? ? bri :) and now i see Tom Allport, below; i'd forgotten about him!

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Tom Allport 06 May 2017

a poem of living in not such a nice place? sorry I mean the place is probably fine just some of the other inhabitants are not so kind! ...............a powerful descriptive write.

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Laurie Van Der Hart 18 April 2017

OH, with neighbours like that, I'm not surprised you'd want to escape. Hope you find/found a happier way to do it. I used to have a neighbor above who came home in the middle of the night and paced about in her stiletto heels. When I gently broached the subject, that was the end of our relationship... Very dramatic writing.

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Mihaela Pirjol 03 April 2017

Powerful emotional poem with intense description through images and comparation. Very well composed.

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