Fathers And Daughters Poem by Harry J. Couchon Jr

Fathers And Daughters

Rating: 5.0

Fathers and daughters share a special bond
That no amount of time will sever
It will last a lifetime and beyond
A daughter should be happy forever

Hearing 'I love you daddy' makes your day
And all the hardships seem worthwhile
Your darling daughter in whose heart you'll stay
Can make you happy with only her smile

A father is a daughter's first love in life
And she doesn't mind sharing him with her mother
Growing up so fast then one day herself a wife
Now her father has to share her love with another

Patricia Gale 04 May 2008

Being a daddy's girl this hits home..... thank you for bringing the memory back

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Bloody Mascara 15 December 2018

I miss my dad so much. This is beautiful thanks for posting

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Kashish 14 December 2018

Daady I will always be your best daughter i will never let you down for anything i will always make you proud for everything. Sorry, if so far i'm not so good daughter but i can change it to awsome daughter i will love you forever. Love you daddy from bottom of my heart.

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sujata 13 July 2018

love u papa

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Federico del Corazón 28 December 2011

great line: Fathers and daughters share a special bond That no amount of time will sever It will last a lifetime and beyond A daughter should be happy forever I tell my daughters all I want you to be is happy. please read my poem Daughter

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Carli Neave 06 July 2008

im also a daddys girl.....fantastic poem

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