'Fear Of The Invisible' Poem by Linda Winchell

'Fear Of The Invisible'

I have not seen you in your visible state
I've only seen the words you write.
Your name is foreign in my world
that of this Great United States.

You might well be a terrorist
you might kill us all in our sleep?
Although I have never met you
that vision creeps in dreams of sleep.

Why do you hate us Americans?
What is it we really have done to you?
Has our Goverment possibly been lying to us?
Is what they've been telling us all untrue?

Do you really want to harm us?
kill our parents and our kids?
For those things I know not about
for the things, I do not believe or live.

I want our worlds to get alone
and all working side by side.
Doing the work for all mankinds good
so in this world God's Love and peace reside.

Please understand, I mean you no harm
or to any of your kind.
And hope that you might feel the same
in these visible words, in my poem of rhyme.

Samantha Guinen 13 September 2008

I live invisible and yet i still feel what you say.......10

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Linda Winchell

Linda Winchell

Chicago Illinois
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