Finding A Long Gray Hair Poem by Jane Kenyon

Finding A Long Gray Hair

Rating: 4.4

I scrub the long floorboards
in the kitchen, repeating
the motions of other women
who have lived in this house.
And when I find a long gray hair
floating in the pail,
I feel my life added to theirs.

Fabrizio Frosini 15 December 2015

I forgot the title.. ;) Finding A Long Gray Hair - ITALIAN: Trovando un lungo capello grigio

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Fabrizio Frosini 15 December 2015

Strofino the long floorboards in the kitchen, repeating the motions of other women who have lived in this house. And when I find a long gray hair floating in the pail, I feel my life added to theirs. - ITALIAN: Strofino le lunghe assi del pavimento della cucina, ripetendo i movimenti di altre donne che hanno vissuto in questa casa. E quando trovo un lungo capello grigio galleggiante nel secchio, Sento che la mia vita si è aggiunta alla loro.

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Nika Mcguin 30 March 2014

this is interesting, and quite packed for such a short poem. I find myself wondering who the women are, older generations of family, or previous owners of the house. I'm kind of hoping its previous owners of the house, because then there's more mystery about them and this may be the only way she could tie herself to them if they're strangers.

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