Seeking father dreams of voices images souls youthfully composed
solemnly surrenders to magnificats announced in supreme adulation
masterpiece from Tremendous Lover wonderfully disposed
rendering unto parents new figures in mystical composition
the fruits fondly lettered with signature of Master majestically clothed
Nine months costumed in silken womb of mother wondrously spun
unwrapping threads in curious escape to a world justly bewildering
baby kicking fretting crying for oxygens breath yet unbegun
mommy blissfully breathless expired air her lungs releasing
bouncing along Master withdraws Margaux in hand and all is done
Through time sitting crawling stepping walking magnificently running
like clockwork she crosses exams success beckoning at every step
through spaces with sky the last encounter radiantly beckoning
she flies through courtship a whirlwind marriage much with pep
majestically composed children seek grandpa for dreams continuing
(for Ugochi Daniels)
Beautiful Mark, it is nice to be a grandparent and watch and nuture our grandchildren. This is a lovely flowing piece and is quite touching, may all their dreams come true, 10 Lynda xx
Inveterating write, my friend....exploding with passionate verve, and as Chris Mendros alluded to, in his below comment, that i will herenow concur with, you are to be commended for your efforts in negotiating a crisp, smooth metreic construction, throughout....Take a bow....This dream is one that should continue on, literarily speaking, of course! ~ F j R ~ ...2008...
Having read through it once, I find 'For Dreams Continuing' to be a very interesting poem, Mark, a great stream-of-consciousness rush. I feel that I didn't absorb all of it, so I will read it again. This much I know already, I enjoyed it. Well done. Larry
i don't know how you did it, but you managed to keep both the meter and the rhyme scheme fairly intact. The content of the poem is deep, compelling, and imagination-peaking. A well-crafted and enjoyable write.
Life, spinning fast faster and then, when you take a moment to breathe, its ending.. starting. Beautifully woven is this poetic piece. Its form and language perfectly paints its imagery. So true and recognizable, but it takes a master to get it just right when delivering such a grand scene to the audience. You did. My eyes are still hanging by the silken womb. I love your threads.
children are the masters of the imagination and dreams are their second playground, happy are those who keep their dreams and blessed are those who realise them. this is a truly inpired poem; in ways only true life experiences can unfold
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
nice good dreams will always cheer us up...will bring a frill of smile under our sleeping eyelids...this one is really nice... shows a cheerful dreaming smiling pa...10