Friday Morning Poem by Ghada Shahbender

Friday Morning

Rating: 4.6

A blank wall the ugly color of dust
Two drain pipes covered in pigeon droppings and rust
I roll down the shutters to keep Friday morning out
The humid air, the children who swear and the parents that shout.
Newspapers, a cigarette and a huge coffee cup
Heart pouring to Kika, waiting for my children to wake up.
Remembering the years when they came to my bed at dawn
Droopy eyes and toothless mouths open wide in a sweet breathed yawn.
They have grown up and I have aged.
The boys actually drive and the girl is engaged.
I tell the parrot it’s been a wonderful trip.
I pick up my coffee and take another sip.

Ernestine Northover 02 October 2005

What a lovely poem, enjoyed every line. Sincerely Ernestine Northover

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Uriah Hamilton 30 June 2005

a well-written poem with a lovely feeling about it.

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Max Reif 24 June 2005

Your details are wonderfully chosen, Ghada. It's so readable, and, well, real. I came to every rhymed couplet, hoping that it would be as good as the last. And it was! I'm not sure who Kika is..the parrot?

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Michael Shepherd 24 June 2005

It's like one of our newspapers advertises - 'All human life is there'... and somehow, it makes us feel better just to read it...

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Mahnaz Zardoust-Ahari 24 June 2005

They grow up too quick! good job!

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