Getting Where I'M Going, Where I'M Going, Long & Hard... Poem by Michael Gale

Getting Where I'M Going, Where I'M Going, Long & Hard...

Getting where i'm going, where i'm going long and hard...
I'll see the Lord a-comin', just a-comin' to my yard.

The gates to Heaven will swing real wide open just for me...
I'll land at my Jesus' feet, I'll finally be ever gently free.

The Angel harps will play for me a song all good and right...
I'll play my own instrument of faith, All day long and into the night.

My God will welcome me with arms so ever mighty, tight...
He'll enfold me in His tender grasp, He'll show to all His might.

The God of all will send for me to take the trip to He...
I'll land right next to Him, With him, is where i shall be free.

The trumpeted sound will announce my ended breath, through death will i be set free...
The Lord my Jesus shall enter'eth, my space will be by He.

I'll come a charging by His side when all the Angels and Saints all go to war....
Against all the sinning Nations, will we win that war, and score and soar.

Jesus will rule of this World a thousand years, and for all of all eternity...
His rule will be shared by all as loved, you, they and even me.

His reign will show to all...
That He hath set us free.

Michael Gale

Michael Gale

Chicago Illinois/Oklahoma City.
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