Happiness Is Seed, No Sprout Poem by Aniruddha Pathak

Happiness Is Seed, No Sprout

Rating: 5.0

The early morning winter's soothing mist,
The serene silver hue of setting moon,
Skies amber made by rising sun in east,
Together gave my mind a virtual boon,
Ambiance, to my steps an added spring,
And a pair of wings to soar with my mood
Along with some chirping birds in the wood…
And soon soundless ah I began to sing.

It's like happy dog wagging tail indeed,
He needs no outward reason to feel good.
If to feel good is sprout that needs no seed,
Mind too needs no reason to lift its mood.
And lo, my happiness a child of choice,
I wag my mind's tail and joys gain their voice.
Our true essence is sat (truth/immanence) , chit (consciousness) , and ananda (joy and bliss) .
To feel happy is therefore natural, beyond cause-effect paradigm. It is a matter of choice.
Being happy could be the cause and not the effect, the seed and not sprout as this sonnet says.
If I so make up my mind (wagging my mind's tail) , it would find some reason to feel happy.
Happiness is eternal bliss, ananda.

Sonnet | 02.09.2020 |
Topic: happiness, bliss eternal

Sunday, September 20, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness

A sonnet that deals with inner happiness which according to the poet is a natural phenomina beyond cause-effect-paradigm. Thought provoking poem

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Rajnish Manga 21 September 2020

Myriad moods of the nature like soothing mist, setting moon or rising sun can trigger the right mood in a sensitive soul. The second part of the Sonnet makes it clear that mote than the external factors, it is the internal factors that motivate a man to derive happiness as a matter of choice. Thanks for the amazing poem and also for the Notes.

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Varsha M 20 September 2020

A very beautiful sonnet on happiness. Admirations sir.

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 20 September 2020

A very perceptive poem beautifully crafted. The superb imagery and nice rhyme made this poem so wonderfully presented and conveyed.

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Aniruddha Pathak

Aniruddha Pathak

Godhra - Gujarat
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