Have A Nice Day Poem by Spike Milligan

Have A Nice Day

Rating: 4.3

'Help, help, ' said a man. 'I'm drowning.'
'Hang on, ' said a man from the shore.
'Help, help, ' said the man. 'I'm not clowning.'
'Yes, I know, I heard you before.
Be patient dear man who is drowning,
You, see I've got a disease.
I'm waiting for a Doctor J. Browning.
So do be patient please.'
'How long, ' said the man who was drowning. 'Will it take for the Doc to arrive? '
'Not very long, ' said the man with the disease. 'Till then try staying alive.'
'Very well, ' said the man who was drowning. 'I'll try and stay afloat.
By reciting the poems of Browning
And other things he wrote.'
'Help, help, ' said the man with the disease, 'I suddenly feel quite ill.'
'Keep calm.' said the man who was drowning, ' Breathe deeply and lie quite still.'
'Oh dear, ' said the man with the awful disease. 'I think I'm going to die.'
'Farewell, ' said the man who was drowning.
Said the man with the disease, 'goodbye.'
So the man who was drowning, drownded
And the man with the disease past away.
But apart from that,
And a fire in my flat,
It's been a very nice day.

Vanessa Everts 07 January 2009

very funny..i liked it 10!

16 21 Reply
A . 16 May 2006

Hehehe :) Good One!

14 19 Reply
Caroline Bulleck 04 November 2012

This is funny, sad and altogether, a pretty good poem that's fun to read.

27 5 Reply
Mark Dillon 23 September 2012

the genius of Spike, this is so well written and funny even in resulting deaths, a pun at how rediculous life can be at times

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Leslee Malloy 30 September 2007

I first heard this poem on Radio 4 'Pick of the week' about 3 years ago or so and it was read by Eddie Izzard. Who I might add read it so well and I think this was why it left such an impression on me, just a great poem. I just love Spike's humour he was such a talented man, some of his poems make you laugh, others make you cry and some just 'pure zany' a real pleasure.

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 May 2024

SIX: demonstrating a continuous nature that makes humanity a bit absurd—like claiming a day when two people "die[d]" as a 'nice" day. I like his poems very much, so cleverly put.5 Stars. TOP Mar

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 May 2024

FIVE: and the unusual happenings in this fatal scenario showcase the concept that humanity's self-interest can be both absurd and perilous. Still, the selfishness continues to the narrator,

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 May 2024

FOUR: the poem proves a statement of how the general quality of self-interest among humans is not only sometimes absurd but also dangerous. The casualness of conversation

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 May 2024

THREE: The poem uses an odd process of wording to depict a bizarre situation that proved fatal for both involved individuals. Since neither individual necessarily had to "die, " however,

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Sylvia Frances Chan 30 May 2024

TWO: Compared to the author's other works, this poem is shorter and less focused on war, but still retains his signature blend of humor and tragedy.

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