Hunger Poem by Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon


Rating: 5.0

Today, world produces
enough food
to feed ten billion men,
whereas the global population
is just seven and a half billion.
Why hunger?

terrorism, war and conflict
climate change
gender discrimination
weak governments and
poor healthcare,
all contribute to global hunger
keeping nutritious food
out of reach for ten percent
of the global population.

'Zero Hunger'
United Nations'
Sustainable Development Goal
aims to end hunger
across the world by 2030,
which is possible
because there is food,
but we lag in distribution.

More than the failure
of the poor economies
where the pangs of hunger
gnaws at the lives of the poor,
what intrigues me is the failure
of the richer nations
who revel in their riches
but fail to see hunger elsewhere!

When I feed
a hungry mouth
I address
the stark voidness
that infest my life
and let in a ray of light
in the darkest alleys
of my heart.

When I feed
a hungry mouth
I address the hunger
of my own soul.

Poets Note:
A few stray threads of thoughts on the occasion of World Hunger Day which fall on 28 May 2023.

Poets Note: A few stray threads of thoughts on the occasion of World Hunger Day which fall on 28 May 2023.
LeeAnn Azzopardi 28 May 2023

Absolutly Wonderful Bravo! ! !

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Thank you, LeeAnn. Feels great to read your words

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All men need to unite in the fight against hunger. The ‘rich' nations do nothing

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Alyx Thru Edge 06 July 2024

This is a short, powerful outline of a global failure and a responsibility not yet met (if ever seen) . A staccato of facts and promises meets a poetic thought. Thank you for promoting awareness.

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"Zero Hunger" is something we all need to work for unitedly

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Richard Wlodarski 31 May 2023

2) Look at how much the late Harry Chapin was able to successfully accomplish with The Hunger Project. If one artiste can do all that...imagine what all the poets on PH can successfully accomplish! LET'S DO IT NOW! ! !

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So true and Such relevant thought, Richard! It is true that we can do a lot! Though I do what I can as an individual, I know it is not sufficient… Thank you, dear poet, for sharing the noble thoughts.. I am proud of you, Sir

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Richard Wlodarski 31 May 2023

Poet Menon, this poem is far more than 'a few stray thoughts'. It speaks volumes in addressing such an ongoing crisis. Poets, and all artistes, have the power to end world hunger!

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Thank you, Richard. What I feel really helpless is the hunger still prevailing in the so-called "Developed" world

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(2) That is about the Tamil culture, about sharing food, in an age when food was not abundant. Not a grain would be allowed to go waste.

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Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

Unnikrishnan Sivasankara Menon

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